[Company Logo Image]     Performance Trends Inc

    Producing Quality Computer Tools for Racers and Engine Builders since 1986





Performance Trends Data Loggers and Programs for Dynos and In Car data acquisition

Data loggers (data acquisition systems) let you record what your engine and/or vehicle is doing out on the race track.  The generally consist of a "brain box" which controls the process and stores the data, sensors which convert pressures, temperatures, shock position, etc into voltage signals which the "brain box" can then store in its memory, some method of getting the data out of the box into a PC (laptop or desktop) so you can then graph or make charts and reports of what happened.  

The features in the PC software is generally what determines how much you can do with your data:

Very simple software may tell you your RF shock was compressed 1.4 inches at 43.3 seconds after you started logging data. 
Better software will show that your RF shock was compressed 1.4 inches as you were coming into turn 1.  
Even better software will show that your RF shock was compressed 1.4 inches as you were coming into turn 1, about 50 ft from the apex of the turn on a 14.56 second lap 2, and on 14.77 second lap 3 at about the same place it was compressed only 1.1 inches.
Or if you have the best software (like our Road Race/Circle Track software coupled with our Suspension Analyzer), it will show that your RF shock was compressed 1.4 inches as you were coming into turn 1, about 50 ft from the apex of the turn on a 14.56 second lap 2, and on 14.77 second lap 3 at about the same place it was compressed only 1.1 inches.  And since it also knows what all the other shocks and steering were doing at the same time, it will show you that your cambers were -6.7 degrees on the right, 1.1 degrees on the left, your roll center was -1.1 inches height and 12.4 inches to the right, your Ackerman Error was -1.45 degrees, and a lot more.   for a video

This goes to show you that the power of the software which analyzes the data is key to understanding what your car and engine are doing.

NOTE:  We also have our DataMite Mini USB which can be used for flow bench testing, cam measurements, valve spring testing, suspension spring (coil or roll bar) testing, weather station, and shock dyno testing.  AND, we have our Micro Logger used for our Quick Cam Checker and Blowby Recorder.


Drag Racing DataMite  Data Acquisition system to Measure, Graph, Report and Analyze Drag Racing Data from race cars, dragsters, Jr Dragsters, motorcycles, most any drag race vehicle, race only or street.

Circle-Track-DataMite.gif (36073 bytes) Road-Race/Circle-Track-DataMite.jpg (36073 bytes)

Road Race/Circle Track DataMite  Data Acquisition system to Measure, Graph, Report and Analyze Data from Road Race, Circle Track (dirt or asphalt), Karts, Midgets, Legends, most any road race or circle track vehicle.

Road-Race/Circle-Track-DataMite.jpg (36073 bytes) Circle-Track-DataMite.gif (36073 bytes)

Dyno DataMite  We've instrumented over 1500 various types of dynos, engine only or chassis, inertia or brake (water brake, eddy current, or hydraulic pump), or some combination.  This Data Acquisition system will save you considerable time and produce much more repeatable, professional dyno results.  And now we offer dyno controllers for water brake or eddy current dynos.

Dyno-DataMite-3.gif (36073 bytes) Dyno-DataMite.gif (36073 bytes)

Shock Dyno  Our Shock Dyno is is designed to see how your shocks are working on your Circle Track or Road Race vehicle.

Shock Dyno

Drag Racing Analyzer Pro  Our Drag Racing Analyzer Pro works with our DataMite Mini USB Weather Station to give you the best chance of beating your competition at the drag strip.

Drag Racing Analyzer Pro DataMite Mini Weather Station Wind Wizard

Weather Wiz is our Weather Station Software that lets you easily make all those weather related calculations like Density Altitude, Relative Air Density, Dyno Correction Factor and more. It lets you specify the inputs you want to use for entering barometric pressure, humidity and air temperature. It also "talks" to our Weather Station for instant updates of critical data.

Oxygen Sensor

Wide Band UEGO A/F (lambda) Sensors Affordable, Rugged True A/F Sensors and Controller for Accurate Engine Tuning and Troubleshooting on Dyno or In Vehicle.  These are not true data loggers, but can display A/F on a gauge, and can record data to a PC if you have the PC attached via a serial cable while you are testing.

Oxygen Sensor

Thermocouple Recorder  A simple, affordable 4 Channel K Thermocouple amplifier with 0-5 volt outputs, or serial output which logs to our FREE Temperature Logger software.  This is not a true data logger, but can record temperature a PC if you have the PC attached via a serial cable while you are testing.

Oxygen Sensor

DataMite Mini, DataMite III and DataMite 4 USB Hardware Here's some info on the actual DataMite Data Loggers.  These represent the latest advancements in our line of loggers, which we first released in 1995. These loggers take advantage of the latest technology to provide very powerful data logging features at a very affordable price in a compact, rugged package.  

The DataMite III and DataMite 4 USB are true vehicle data loggers with 1 gig of internal memory, start/stop record switch, GPS capable and lots of recording channels.  The Mini is only used for Dyno Testing as it only records data if connected to a PC.

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