[Company Logo Image]     Performance Trends Inc

    Producing Quality Computer Tools for Racers and Engine Builders since 1986





Champion Oil Promotion Gift Certificate

Thanks for participating in the Champion Oil / Performance Trends promotion.  Your gift certificate is worth $200 toward any software purchase.  Test equipment hardware is not eligible.

to go to our home page.  Click on Software (2nd blue menu option from left) to view all the various software categories.  If you want to buy software which costs less than $200, just come up with a combination of products which add up to at least $200.

The shopping cart can not accept your gift certificate automatically.  You must either:

Call in your order to 248-473-9230 because we must validate your gift certificate, or....  

to send us an email listing the software products you wish to purchase and we can send you info about purchasing on line.  Include your name and address and "certificate number" from the lower right corner of your Certificate Code (shown as xxx in the picture below).