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Pictures of DataMite Sensors and Options, continued

Standard Analog Lead (with 4 pin Molex connector) Connects to Std DataMite Analog Breakout Harness


DT2-AE10  Standard 10 ft Analog Extension cable with 4 pin female and 4 pin male connectors on the ends


DT2-RE15  Standard 15 ft RPM Extension cable with 6 pin female and 6 pin male connectors on the ends (DTM-LDR15 RPM lead is similar, but without female connector shown on left side of this picture)


Comparison of Molex (less expensive) Connector to Round AMP(tm) Connector


DataMite II RPM Breakout Cable


DataMite II Analog Breakout Cable


DataMite II Switch Breakout Cable


DataMite II Power Connector


DataMite Serial Extension Cable

DataMite USB to Serial Adapter

DataMite Unheated Exh Gas Oxygen Sensor

DTM-EBS and DTM-EBSP DataMite Exh Gas Oxygen Sensor Boss and Allen head Plug (less expensive than DT2-AFSB below)

DT2-AFSB and DT2_AFSBC A/F Oxygen Sensor Boss and Cap (exact replacement for A/F system parts)  Also see less expensive parts above.

DT2-EBSE A/F Oxygen Sensor Boss, finned and extended to keep sensor cool and out of exhaust flow to keep exhaust free flowing.

DT2-AFS  DataMite Replacement UEGO 5 Wire Wide Band A/F Sensor, older sensor style with square connector.  See pic below.


Sensor Connector Comparison


DT2-AFSR  DataMite Replacement UEGO 5 Wire Wide Band A/F Sensor, newer sensor style with rounded connector.  See pic above.


DT2-LDC  Load Cell for recording force, typically for a dynamometer.  Threaded holes are for mounting Heim Joints (spherical ball joints) to connect the dynamometer case to the dynamometer frame.

DT3-LSA  Custom connector kit and adjustments for Land and Sea (tm) Torque Arm.  Note:  Blue torque arm is not included, but part of some Land and Sea dynos that a customer wants to switch over to our DataMite package.  This torque arm must sent in by the customer for us to make adjustments and custom connectors to hook up to our DTM-ILCA (external load cell amp). 


DT3-LSAB  Custom connector kit and adjustments for the larger RED Land and Sea (tm) Torque Arm.  Note:  Red torque arm is not included, but part of some Land and Sea dynos that a customer wants to switch over to our DataMite package.  This torque arm must sent in by the customer for us to make adjustments and custom connectors to hook up to our DTM-ILCA (external load cell amp). 


DT4-MAFL Mass Air Flow Sensor, 800 CFM 4" diameter


DT4-AFP6 3500 CFM air flow Sensor, 6" diameter


DT3-FFK Karting Fuel Flow Sensor 


DT3-FP10  Plastic 150-2000+ HP (on gasoline) Fuel Flow Sensor (less than 2 psi restriction at 1000 HP flow)


DT3-FFA  Brass 1/2" British Std Pipe Thread female to 1/2" Male NPT adapter for DT3-FP (quantity 2)



DT3-FSC 1000 HP Fuel Flow Sensor


DT3-FS231 500 HP Fuel Flow Sensor


DT3-FS20BA 150 HP Fuel Flow Sensor  (spherical pulse dampener not included)

DT4-RPF Racepak Fuel Sensor Signal Conditioner, shown with Racepak sensor (not included) and 15 ft cable and proper connectors, which is included with DT4-RPF



Blowby Sensor


DTM-ILCA  External Load Cell Amplifier 

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