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Pictures of DataMite Sensors and Options

(Click on a picture to see a full size view)

DTM-IPU Inductive Pick Up signal conditioning w sensitivityl knob ("cleans up" tach signal from plug wire)


Inductive Pickup Clamp (clips on to spark plug wire and provides some signal enhancement) DTM-IPUC  Requires DTM-IPU


Mini Metal Inductive Pickup Clamp (clips on to spark plug wire and provides some signal enhancement) DTM-IPUCM  Requires DTM-IPU


DT3-RPMTCI Tach input lead with spade connector for "Tach" signal, with grounding clip to replace inductive Pickup Box  Requires inductive pickup harness BB2-IPUH.
DT3-DTMTC is similar but 18 ft long and with 6 pin connector which connects directly to DataMite III or 4.  Does NOT Requires inductive pickup harness BB2-IPUH.


Inductive Pickup Clip for Wire (clips "purple wire" to spark plug wire) DTM-IPUCW  (recommended only for inductive pickup boxes with a sensitivity adjustment screw)  Requires DTM-IPU


Inductive Pickup Clip for Low Voltage (12 volt primary coil wire or fuel injector lead) BB2-IPULV    Does NOT Require DTM-IPU


110 VAC Power Supply, for Old 4 Channel DataMite

If you need something other than a USA style of plug, please request either EUR, AUST or UK as pictured below.  Cost for alternate plug styles and voltage levels (200-240 VAC) is approximately $20 more.


Stuska (tm) Dyno RPM Adapter, DTM-SRPM2 or larger DTM-SRPM8.  This assembly includes RPM sensor which is not shown here.  The speedometer cable in this adapter may be too short or too long for some Stuska hardware.

Stuska (tm) Dyno RPM Adapter with Cover Plate Option, DTM-SRPM2C or larger DTM-SRPM8C.  The drive shaft does not go all the way through the adapter, so the mechanical tach is not used.  However, because of variations in Stuska hardware, you can more easily trim this square shaft to fit your dyno.


Slotted Optical RPM Sensor, pn DTM-RPMO and pn DTM-RPMOC (sensor and sensor cable respectively), often used for RC engine dynos


Stuska (tm) Quick Connects for Torque Pressure Sensor


DataMite 4 Digital Output Harness   DT4-DOH


DataMite 4 Digital Output Relay  DT4-DOR


DataMite 4 Digital Output Harness and Relay plugged together    DT4-DOH and DT4-DOR


DataMite 4 Digital Output LED DT4-DOL with optional mounting bracket DT4-DOLB (NOTE:  DT4-DOLB has 2 mounting holes, only 1 shows in picture)
Plugs into DT4-DOH and can be used for shift light, warning light, etc.


DataMite 4 Digital Input Breakout Cable  DT4-DIBC


DataMite 4  Digital Input Lead DT4-DIL (plugs into DT4-DIBC pictured above)


DataMite 4 Digital Input Trans Brake  DT4-DITB (to tie to trans brake solenoid for triggering Acceleration Response Timer)


DataMite 4 Digital Tee Cable  DT4-DTC  (for combining multiple digital cables)

DT4-OT  DataMite Optical Tach (great for checking RPM signals)


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