[Company Logo Image]     Performance Trends Inc

    Producing Quality Computer Tools for Racers and Engine Builders since 1986





Link is last RPM word on FAQ page

Reg/UnReg Program link

Register/Unregister program (click on blue RegSysFile to right)   RegSysFile



USB-Serial Adapter Drivers.zip  (for USB to serial, com port Prolific adapters)

DataMite USB Drivers for Windows 98  (unzip to a CD to create a USB driver CD for DataMite data loggers)

SuperFlow FlowCom USB Driver CD (this old link now directs you to the zip file below)

SuperFlow FlowCom TI Driver (.zip file, unzip and then run this file from 2019)

SuperFlow FlowCom TI Driver (.exe file, run this file directly from 2019)

USB-Serial Adapter Drivers thru Win7.zip  (for Prolific USB to Serial, com port adapters)

USB Drivers Vista for DataMite USBs.zip (unzip to CD to create USB Driver CD)

Valve Opener Driver .exe file

Valve Opener Driver .zip file with debugging file

Valve Opener Driver .exe file digitally signed for all Windows including Win 8



FTDI USB-Serial Adapter Driver Installer


Engine Analyzer Pro v3.9 Installer Translate.exe



Port Flow Analyzer v3.5B before scomm.exe

OBD2 Link Drivers.zip


IGES Files.zip


Dyno DataMite v4.2B Installer.exe

Engine Analyzer Pro v3.9B Installer.exe

Special Downloads/IMG_4721.MOV SF Valve

Spring-Wiz 1.1B.exe Installer

Engine_Log_Book_Pro 1.1 D.exe