[Company Logo Image]     Performance Trends Inc

    Producing Quality Computer Tools for Racers and Engine Builders since 1986






Re: Performance Trends Newsletter (updates)

To: Visitors to Performance Trends Website

Subject: Product News/Updates, June 2006


  1. Engine Log Book Enhancements Added
  2. Circle Track Log Book Enhancements Added
  3. Suspension Analyzer v2.0 Metric Bug Fixed
  4. Recent Media Coverage
  5. Last May's Newsletter



1) Engine Log Book Enhancements Added  We've added some enhancements to the Engine Log Book, including:

Program links to the Compression Ratio Calculator so you can use all the commands and organization of the CR Calculator to view and calculate inputs for the Engine Log Book.
We've added "One Step" Backup and Restore (from backup) commands to backup all your engine files.
We've added Main and Rod Bearing Velocity calculations.
We've added a Metric Units Preference.

If you have purchased the program, these are FREE updates.  Just download the latest version from this link:  http://www.performancetrends.com/download.htm#Engine_Log_Book

Important: If you got an Unlocking number when you purchased your program, you can unlock this latest version yourself. Just be sure to use exactly the same Registered Name when you install this new version and then the same unlock number will unlock the update. You can view your Reg Name by clicking on Reg To: at the top of the main screen on your current version, before you download and install the new version. 

To link up with the Compression Ratio Calculator, you will have to also download the latest version of it at:  http://www.performancetrends.com/download.htm#crc

Important: Just like with the Engine Log Book, if you got an Unlocking number when you purchased your CR program, you can unlock this latest version yourself. Just be sure to use exactly the same Registered Name when you install this new version and then the same unlock number will unlock the update. You can view your Reg Name by clicking on Reg To: at the top of the main screen on your current version, before you download and install the new version. 

You can also view a demo movie file of the Log Book linking to the Compression Ratio program at:  Engine Log Book to CR Calc.wmv

You can also read up on recent changes in this program and most of our other programs on our Updates page, which has Readme.doc files listing recent changes and bug fixes for most all programs: http://www.performancetrends.com/updates.htm


2) Circle Track Log Book Enhancements Added  We've also added some enhancements to the Circle Track Log Book, including:

We've added "One Step" Backup and Restore (from backup) commands to backup all your records.
We've added a Preference which allows you to have the program prompt you every X minutes (user selectable) to save your changes.
We've fixed a couple of bugs which could have the program "bomb" in a couple of areas.

If you have purchased the program, these are FREE updates.  Just download the latest version from this link: http://www.performancetrends.com/download.htm#Circle_Track_Log_Book

Important: If you got an Unlocking number when you purchased your program, you can unlock this latest version yourself. Just be sure to use exactly the same Registered Name when you install this new version and then the same unlock number will unlock the update. You can view your Reg Name by clicking on Reg To: at the top of the main screen on your current version, before you download and install the new version. 

You can also read up on recent changes in this program and most of our other programs on our Updates page, which has Readme.doc files listing recent changes and bug fixes for most all programs: http://www.performancetrends.com/updates.htm


3) Suspension Analyzer v2.0 Metric Bug Fixed  Our first customers which updated to v2.0 found a couple of bugs which we've corrected.  One major bug was that the Metric features were permanently switched Off inside the program, even if you asked for them.  A couple of other minor bugs were also fixed concerning Animation, there was no Readme.doc file included, etc.

Again, this is a FREE update to owners of v2.0.    Just download the latest version from this link:  http://www.performancetrends.com/download.htm#sa

Important: If you got an Unlocking number when you purchased your program, you can unlock this latest version yourself. Just be sure to use exactly the same Registered Name when you install this new version and then the same unlock number will unlock the update. You can view your Reg Name by clicking on File, then Unlock Program Options at the top, left of the main screen on your current version, before you download and install the new version. 

You can also read up on recent changes in this program and most of our other programs on our Updates page, which has Readme.doc files listing recent changes and bug fixes for most all programs: http://www.performancetrends.com/updates.htm


4) Recent Media Coverage The June 2006 Performance Racing Industry magazine had a story on Chassis Dynos which had several mentions of our Black Box II and DataMite II packages.  Check it out on pages 8-22.


5) Last May's Newsletter Here are the topics covered in our previous newsletter. If you would like another copy of May 2006's newsletter for detail on these topics, visit our website at: http://www.performancetrends.com/news.htm#newsletters

1) Suspension Analyzer v2.0 Update Released

2) Recent Media Coverage

3) Last March's Newsletter


