Performance Trends, Inc.

Producing Quality Computer Tools for Racers and Engine Builders since 1986

Re: Performance Trends Newsletter (updates)

To: Visitors to Performance Trends Website

Subject: Product News/Updates, June 2021

  1. Engine Log Book Pro Released
  2. Father's Day Coming
  3. Last April's Newsletter


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1)  Engine Log Book Pro Coming  As we said in last month's newsletter, we've been working on a major upgrade to our Engine Build Log Book, a Pro version.  Well, in this newsletter we can announce that it's been released.  It has many new features, inputs, and calculated outputs.    Some of the Pro's features include:


Engine Log Book Pro Main Screen Related Inputs.gif (85368 bytes)  (click image to enlarge Pro version's main screen showing related inputs from Options list)

Engine Log Book Pro Show Clearances w Graph.gif (23653 bytes)  (click image to enlarge typical Pro version's "Show Clearance Contributions in Notepad w Graph")

Engine-Log-Book-Pro-Cam-Summary-Report.gif (24138 bytes) (click image to enlarge one of Pro version's Cam Summary Reports)

Engine-Log-Book-Pro-Surface-Finish-Input-Screen.gif (22495 bytes)  (click image to enlarge Pro version's screen for entering Surface Finish readings)

Engine-Log-Book-Pro-Surface-Finish-Report.gif (44798 bytes) (click image to enlarge Pro version's report of Surface Finish readings)


If you already own either the standard Engine Log Book, or Plus version of Engine Log Book, you can upgrade to the Pro version at a discount for $450 or $350 respectively.  Because we need to verify ownership for these prices, to send us an email and we will send instructions on how to order.


for info on our new Pro version (purchase options at the bottom of this page)

for info on our current standard and Plus versions (purchase options at the bottom of this page)

for an instagram movie of Ace Racing Engines using a preliminary version of the Pro

to see the log book Pro being used at QMP Racing Engines to record bores with a Sunnen GR-2121E gauge via LU2X1 cable gauge directly into the Engine Log Book.  Then the log book calculates bore clearances from the electronic bore and piston skirt diameters, and do other analysis.

Engine-Log-Book-Measuring-Piston-Skirts.jpg (295290 bytes)  click image to enlarge



2) Father's Day Gift Ideas  Just a reminder that Father's Day will be here in just a few days.  If you've been thinking of getting one of our products, put it on your list.  Maybe someone will be extra good to you this year.

for some ideas of what to ask for, starting at $22.95 for our 100% Made in USA crew neck tees.

Software can be "email shipped" almost up to Father's Day.  However, anything that requires UPS shipping should be ordered June 15 to ensure Father's Day delivery.


3) Last May's Newsletter Here are the topics covered in our previous newsletter.  If you would like another copy of May 2021's newsletter (or any previous newsletter) for detail on these topics, visit our website at: Performance Trends Newsletters 

  1. Engine Log Book Pro Coming
  2. Last April's Newsletter

Performance Trends reserves the right to discontinue, update, or modify its product line and pricing at any time.