[Company Logo Image]     Performance Trends Inc

    Producing Quality Computer Tools for Racers and Engine Builders since 1986






Re: Performance Trends Newsletter (updates)

To: Visitors to Performance Trends Website

Subject: Product News/Updates, March 2006

1) Circle Track Log Book Released

2) New Features in Valve Spring Tester Software

3) Last February's Newsletter


1) Circle Track Log Book Released We've finally released the Circle Track Log Book, just in time for the racing season. It has features not found in other log books, like letting the user customize the inputs, letting you communicate with our latest Circle Track Analyzer v3.5 for calculated inputs like Camber Gain, roll center location and motion, front to rear roll couple, etc, tire temperature analysis, and more. Click on this link for a overview: http://www.performancetrends.com/Circle_Track_Log_Book.htm Click on this link to view several demo movie files explaining some of its features: http://www.performancetrends.com/movie_file_demos.htm

Cost for the CT Log Book is $149.95. Click on this link for a demo: http://www.performancetrends.com/download.htm#Circle_Track_Log_Book


2) New Features in Valve Spring Tester Software The Valve Spring Tester software has had several refinements from excellent feedback from our users. We recently added some of major features:

The program now calculates "Damping" in a spring. Our spring tester measures the Spring Rate both on the compression and expansion. If there is absolutely no damping, the data will be exactly the same. However, if there is a damper in the spring pack, you can see a significant difference in these 2 curves. The more the difference, the more the damping. Just like shock absorbers in your car, valve spring dampers are used to keep the valve train's dynamics under control.  If you want to test your spring packs for damping, this is the only way to do it.
We're getting many requests for higher sensitivity testers for smaller springs, like for OHC car and motorcycle engines. We now stock load cells for 250, 500 and 1000 lbs test ranges. We can also calibrate for ranges higher than 1000 lbs if needed.
The program measures "Linearity" of the spring. The program has always done this, but how it does this is now shown on our website.
The program will now print out your company's logo on printouts. In the Preferences section, just use the "Browse" button to find your logo graphics file (.BMP, .GIF or .JPG). It will be printed in the upper left corner of printouts of the reports.

Click on this link for more info: http://www.performancetrends.com/Valve_Spring_Tester.htm

Click on this link for a demo: http://www.performancetrends.com/download.htm#Valve_Spring_Tester


3) Last February's Newsletter Here are the topics covered in our previous newsletter. If you would like another copy of February 2006's newsletter for detail on these topics, visit our website at: http://www.performancetrends.com/news.htm#newsletters

1) New Demo Videos (.wmv movie files) for Product Training

2) Circle Track Log Book Scheduled for March 15 Release

3) New RPM Input for Black Box II and DataMite II

4) Welcome New Newsletter Members; Here's What You've Missed

5) Last January's Newsletter



