Performance Trends, Inc.

Producing Quality Computer Tools for Racers and Engine Builders since 1986

Re: Performance Trends Newsletter (updates)

To: Visitors to Performance Trends Website

Subject: Product News/Updates, March 2023

    1. Updated Engine Log Book Pro
    2. Last February's Newsletter


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1) Updated Engine Log Book Pro  We've had lots of input from users on what they would like to see added to our Engine Log Book Pro.  We've included many of them to produce the new Version 1.1 C.  Here's a list of the major changes:

Engine-Log-Book-8-Picture-Files.jpg (95513 bytes) click image to enlarge it

Engine-Log-Book-8-Picture-Files-Printout.jpg (209687 bytes) click image to enlarge it

Engine-Log-Book-Piston-to-Valve-Clearance-Report.jpg (264340 bytes) click image to enlarge it

Engine-Log-Book--Valve-Spring-Report.jpg (236972 bytes) click image to enlarge it


to see most all the new features in Engine Build Log Book Pro, v1.1 C.

If you already own the Engine Log Book Pro v1.1B, this is a $150 update.  If you own the Engine Log Book standard or Plus, it is a $450 or $350 upgrade charge respectively.

to send us an email about updating and/or upgrading.

for more info on all 3 of our different Engine Log Book programs.


2) Last February's Newsletter Here are the topics covered in our previous newsletter.  If you would like another copy of February 2023's newsletter (or any previous newsletter) for detail on these topics, visit our website at: Performance Trends Newsletters 

  1. Featured Product - Compression Ratio Calculator
  2. Extend A/F Sensor Life
  3. Last January's Newsletter

Performance Trends reserves the right to discontinue, update, or modify its product line and pricing at any time.