[Company Logo Image]     Performance Trends Inc

    Producing Quality Computer Tools for Racers and Engine Builders since 1986





Re: Performance Trends Newsletter (updates)

To: Visitors to Performance Trends Website

Subject: Product News/Updates, March 2009


  1. New Roll Center Calculator (std and new Plus version) and Circle Track Analyzer Released
  2. New Compression Ratio Calculator (std and new Plus version) Released
  3. Pictures of Dyno DataMite Packages Added to Website
  4. Last January's Newsletter


1)  New Roll Center Calculator (std and new Plus version) and Circle Track Analyzer Released  Major updates to our popular Roll Center Calculator and Circle Track Analyzer programs have been released.  In addition to these updates, we've added a new program, the Roll Center Calculator Plus.   In this update, we've combined all 3 programs into the Circle Track Analyzer.  Then you will unlock the features you want based on the working code we give you.  This makes it easy for you to upgrade to a more advanced version should you want to.  It also gives the Roll Center Calculator owners instant access to new Circle Track Analyzer features as this program is updated. These 3 different programs are now:

Roll Center Calculator, which does the Front Suspension only.
Roll Center Calculator Plus, which does the Front Suspension and Rear Suspension, plus some front to rear “balance” analysis.
The full Circle Track Analyzer, which does everything the old Circle Track Analyzer v3.5 did plus many new features.

Some of the new features for the Circle Track Analyzer include:

New handling rating or % Oversteer or Understeer based on aero, cross weight, roll stiffness, banking, and even more detailed effects.
Separate front and rear aerodynamic lift coefficients, which let you see how aero downforce adjustments can affect handling.  See second screen below.
Now you can include an anti-roll bar on the rear suspension.
More detailed Front Suspension screen lets you more precisely locate how the A Arm mounts are mounted on the frame.  See screen below.
New Big Bar Soft Spring "Starting Point Suggestions".
Much more.

The picture below shows the new "more details" feature for the Front Suspension Screen.  This detail produces more accurate A Arm mounts in 2 dimensions (which is what the program will still use) and lets the program calculate Anti-Squat.  This feature is included in all 3 programs:  Roll Center Calculator, Roll Center Calculator Plus and Circle Track Analyzer, double A Arm or McPhearson Strut.  You can still use the original, simpler method if you want.

  click on image to enlarge it.


New front and rear downforce calculations, and % Oversteer/Understeer handling rating.  Note that the pink values are for the user selected baseline condition for comparison.

  click on image to enlarge it.


We've got the final, "released" demo for you to try.  You can download and install it by clicking on the underlined link:  Circle Track Analyzer v3.6. When you run this demo, it will ask which of the 3 programs you want to try out.  The next time you run the demo, you can choose a different program to try.   IMPORTANT:  Installing this program will NOT affect your earlier Roll Center Calculator or Circle Track Analyzer programs, as it gets installed to a different folder.

Click on this underlined link for the Circle Track Analyzer v3.5/3.6 Supplement.  (Version 3.6 features are in 2nd half of this short document.)  It describes all major new features for these 3 programs.

Prices for these programs are:

Roll Center Calculator v3.6 is $79.95

Roll Center Calculator Plus v3.6 is $129.95

Circle Track Analyzer v3.6 is $169.95

Update prices are:

To update your Roll Center Calculator from v1.1 or v2.0 to this v3.6 is $35.
To update your Circle Track Analyzer v3.5 to this v3.6 is $35.
To update your Circle Track Analyzer v3.2 or earlier to this v3.6 is $60.

To upgrade your Roll Center Calculator to either Roll Center Calculator Plus or Circle Track Analyzer, you pay the full price less a $65 discount.


2)  New Compression Ratio Calculator (std and new Plus version) Released  We've just release an update to our popular Compression Ratio Calculator program, Version 2.3.  It's new features include:

Program now better remembers printer changes and printer orientation changes.
New Print option, Print Help Definitions to print definitions of the inputs and outputs of the program.
Most inputs and outputs now have "balloons" which appear with definitions if you mouse over them.
You can now choose to highlight the calculated Compression Ratio in Blue, so it stands out better.
Program now shows a piston/rod/deck drawing to illustrate what is meant by certain inputs.
Program now better explains that it is more accurate to use the Intake Valve Closing event directly than calculate it from the .050" event.
Program now prints out comments better even if you don't include line feeds when you enter the comments.

Compression_Ratio_Calculator_Main_Screen.gif (24322 bytes)  click on image to enlarge it.


We've also added a NEW Plus Version option. This Plus Version includes:

New inputs to calculate new outputs.
Outputs of Eff Comp Ratio and Piston speed, Acceleration, and total Estimated Rod Bolt Load.
New Calculation Menus of Milling, Calculating Piston Dome Volume, and Picking Gasket volumes from a list.
Ability to print a graphics file (like company Logo) on printouts.

Compression Ratio Calculator Plus features highlighted with blue arrows and boxes
  click on image to enlarge it.


You can review all recent changes and enhancements to this program from it's Readme.doc file at this link:  http://www.performancetrends.com/text-files/cr-readme.doc

You can review all this program's features at: http://www.performancetrends.com/Compression_Ratio_Calculator_V2.3.htm  

The standard version 2.3 is a FREE update to owners of the older Compression Ratio Calculator v1.1, 1.2 and 2.0.  You can download these enhancements for FREE by reinstalling the program from this link: http://www.performancetrends.com/download.htm#crc

Important: You got an Unlocking number when you purchased your program, based on the Registered Name you used.  You can unlock this latest version yourself by using exactly the same Registered Name when you install this new version.  Then the same unlock number will unlock the update. You can view your Reg Name by clicking on Reg To: at the top of the main screen on your current version, before you download and install the new version. 


3)  Pictures of Dyno DataMite Packages Added to Website  We've added pictures of 3 Dyno DataMite packages to the website.  Click on underlined link for these Dyno DataMite Packages.  Click on underlined link for prices of these Dyno DataMite Packages.

Pro DataMite III USB Absorber Dyno Package for V-8


4) Last January's Newsletter Here are the topics covered in our previous newsletter.  If you would like another copy of January 2009's newsletter for detail on these topics, visit our website at: http://www.performancetrends.com/news.htm#newsletters

  1. Preliminary Roll Center Calculator/Circle Track Analyzer v3.6
  2. New Oxygen Sensor Checker
  3. Engine Log Book Enhancements
  4. New Website Look
  5. More Funny Farm
  6. More Blogging
  7. Last November's Newsletter


