Performance Trends, Inc.

Producing Quality Computer Tools for Racers and Engine Builders since 1986

Re: Performance Trends Newsletter (updates)

To: Visitors to Performance Trends Website

Subject: Product News/Updates, May 2023

    1. Dyno Controller - New Features
    2. Join Our Team
    3. Do you want to measure cams?
    4. Last April's Newsletter


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1) Dyno Controller - New Features  We've been working very hard to improve our Dyno Controllers, and are ready to release a "beta" version of the new v4.2B Dyno DataMite software.  It has several new features to improve the water brake Dyno Controllers.  (Improved eddy current dyno features are coming soon.)  The firmware in the Dyno Controllers has also been enhanced and we are up to v2.60 now.  To check your controller's firmware version, click the "Get Firmware Version" button in the lower right corner of the Dyno Controller setup screen in your Dyno DataMite software.  Major new enhancements for water brake dyno control include:

  1. New "hybrid" RPM/Load control mode where the controller is in RPM control mode getting to your starting RPM, then switching to smoother load control during the actual acceleration, then switching back to RPM control to bring the engine back to the starting RPM.  For this you need controller firmware version 2.20 or later.
  2. The new "hybrid" mode is only available in a new controller setup of "Stand Alone" mode where the controller does not need any communication from the PC.  The controller also needs an RPM signal via an RPM "Tee" cable to share the RPM signal to the Dyno DataMite.  For this you need controller firmware version 2.29 or later.
  3. In either "hybrid" control or load control, there is a new "High Speed Ramp" setting.  Some engines on some dynos have their acceleration rate "stall out" after a certain RPM.  They are accelerating smoothly, but then stop accelerating at the same rate at, say, 6000 RPM.  Now you can specify a different "High Speed Ramp" setting for faster changing the the load control at, say, 6000 RPM. This better ensures you have continuous acceleration throughout your test.
  4. You can now make changes to several controller settings, like Ramp Rate, Max RPM, Holding a particular RPM, etc right in the Current Readings screen. This can be a great time saver.
  5. You can now disable the acceleration or deceleration ramp when you hit the Record button, or start recording data button in the Current Readings screen.  This lets you record data while you do most any type of custom test, like holding RPM constant as you change spark or fuel settings, or do other changes with the controller, etc.
  6. Decelerating tests now work better, but are only available in PC Control mode, where the Dyno DataMite software tells the controller what to do.

Dyno Controller Settings v4.2B.jpg (232170 bytes) click image to enlarge and see new Controller Settings

Dyno Controller Hybrid Control v4.2B.jpg (261044 bytes) click image to enlarge and see new hybrid RPM/Load control mode

Dyno Controller Current Readings Options v4.2B.jpg (179576 bytes) click image to enlarge and see new Controller Options on Current Readings screen


It is currently only available in a "Beta" version, meaning you could still find some bugs.  If you want to try some of the new controller features, send us an email.  It would be very helpful in you also included the Firmware Version number in your email.

  to send us an email.  Please include your full name and address so we can find you in our records.

  for more info on the new Dyno Controller features.


2) Join Our Team  We are looking for a special, versatile engineer to join our team here in Livonia, MI.  We need someone with a mix of electrical and mechanical backgrounds, and a passion for motorsports or engine building.

  for more info, and to contact us.


3) Do you want to measure cams?  We often get requests for measuring cams.  If you have one of our Cam Test Stands, let us know if you want to measure cams for other engine builders.  We'll put those engine builders in touch with you.

  to send us an email.  Please include your full name and address so we can find you in our records.

  for more info on our Cam Analyzer software.

  for more info on our Cam Test Stands.


4)  Last April's Newsletter  Here are the topics covered in our previous newsletter.  If you would like another copy of April 2023's newsletter (or any previous newsletter) for detail on these topics, visit our website at: Performance Trends Newsletters 

  1. Shock Dyno - Wider Mast Spacing
  2. Join Our Team
  3. Navigate Computer Screens Quicker
  4. Last March's Newsletter

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