Performance Trends, Inc.

Producing Quality Computer Tools for Racers and Engine Builders since 1986

Re: Performance Trends Newsletter (updates)

To: Visitors to Performance Trends Website

Subject: Product News/Updates, May 2024

    1. Engine Analyzer v3.4B, New Features and Bug Fix
    2. Cam Analyzer FAQ for Creating a Manufacturing File
    3. Last April's Newsletter


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1) Engine Analyzer v3.4B, New Features and Bug Fix  In April's newsletter we released a major update to the standard Engine Analyzer, v3.4B.  It's the popular "little brothers" to our Engine Analyzer Pro engine simulation. 

Since last month, we have just added some new features, which include:

  1. More Vortech (tm) superchargers added to the example component library.
  2. A new Centrifugal Supercharger "Peak Efficiency" of 80% to represent the newer, modern superchargers.
  3. Tweeks to most all Centrifugal Supercharger simulations to be slightly more accurate over a wider range of conditions, especially at higher supercharger RPMs.

We have also discovered and fixed a major bug, so you can add your own engine components to the component libraries.  

If you have the Engine Analyzer v3.4 B with a version number lower than v3.4 B.014, we strongly recommend you install this free update.  To see your version number, click on Help (at the top of the main screen), and then select About Engine Analyzer.  The complete version number (written in blue) will be shown, something like v3.4 B.006.  If you install the new version over the top of your existing version to get your free update, when asked, select to do a Refresh installation instead of a Complete (typical) installation.

Dyno Controller Settings v4.2B.jpg (232170 bytes) click here to install the latest v3.4B.  DO NOT install this version if you have the older v3.4A unless you want to update to v3.4B.

If it is version 3.4 A..., you still have the older v3.4A.  Read the content below to see what the new v3.4 B has to offer.

Most of the v3.4B improvements are tweeks to the performance calculations to be a little more accurate.  Plus we've added many other features to improve the program's overall ease of use, and updates to take advantage of newer computers.  Enhancements include:

Engine Analyzer v3.4B Enlarging Main Screen.jpg (130108 bytes)  click image to enlarge it

Engine Analyzer v3.4B New Supercharger Types.jpg (115453 bytes)  click image to enlarge it

Engine Analyzer Plus v3.4B Optimize Screen.jpg (152273 bytes)  click image to enlarge it


Dyno Controller Settings v4.2B.jpg (232170 bytes) click here for a PDF describing all the new features

Dyno Controller Settings v4.2B.jpg (232170 bytes) click here for the Engine Analyzer v3.4B web page, with shopping cart and shipping options at the bottom

Dyno Controller Settings v4.2B.jpg (232170 bytes) click here for the Engine Analyzer Plus v3.4B web page, with shopping cart and shipping options at the bottom

If you have one of our older Engine Analyzers and would like to purchase this v3.4B update, send us an email requesting it.  As with all our programs, you are able to download the latest version over the top of your existing version using the "Refresh" installation option.  This way you can always have the latest version of 3.4B as we make minor updates through the years.

The update from standard v3.4A to standard v3.4B is $75, from Plus v3.4A to Plus v3.4B is $95, from standard v3.4A to Plus v3.4B is $140.  If you have something older than v3.4A, send us an email for pricing.

Dyno Controller Current Readings Options v4.2B.jpg (179576 bytes) click here to send us an email describing what you want.  We can find your info and let you know how much it will be and how to pay.


2) Cam Analyzer FAQ for Creating a Manufacturing File  We have added new documentation describing more options for creating manufacturing files for grinding cam profiles, in particular .iges files.  It is listed on our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page, which is an excellent resource for more advanced features on all our products.


Dyno Controller Current Readings Options v4.2B.jpg (179576 bytes) click here check out this FAQ.

Dyno Controller Current Readings Options v4.2B.jpg (179576 bytes) click here check out FAQs on all our products.


3) Last April's Newsletter Here are the topics covered in our previous newsletter.  If you would like another copy of April 2024's newsletter (or any previous newsletter) for detail on these topics, visit our website at: Performance Trends Newsletters 

  1. Engine Analyzer v3.4B, Std and Plus Released
  2. Godzilla Cobra Jet
  3. Need Dyno Controller Feedback
  4. Last February's Newsletter

Performance Trends reserves the right to discontinue, update, or modify its product line and pricing at any time.