[Company Logo Image]     Performance Trends Inc

    Producing Quality Computer Tools for Racers and Engine Builders since 1986





Pictures of Black Box II Parts (also used for DataMite III USB and DataMite Mini USB)

BB2-BCA3     1 ft triple analog breakout cable


BB2-RPML    Dyno RPM Sensor and cable. Picture to left showing sensor installed with magnet epoxied to flywheel.  Note:  Epoxy can completely cover magnet.
     Magnetic-RPM-Sensor-w-Special-Plate-for-Magnet.jpg (73055 bytes)
click this image of custom plate with magnet to enlarge 


BB2-IPUH    Inductive Pickup Cable (with clip) 


DMM-RPMC    Magnetic Sensor and Inductive Pickup Cable Combination for DataMite Mini USB


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