Performance Trends, Inc.

Producing Quality Computer Tools for Racers and Engine Builders since 1986

Price Lists

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Software Prices as of November 2024:

All programs listed below are designed for Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11.

  Product                                                     Part #         Price (US dollars $)

  4 Link Calculator v2.0 B                                    4L20B          99.95 
  4 Link Calculator Plus v2.0 B                               4L20+B        149.95 
  Cam Analyzer v4.3                                           CA43C         149.95
  Cam Analyzer Plus Upgrade v4.3                              CA43+U        250.00
  Cam Analyzer 'Cam Grinder' Upgrade v4.3                     CA43CGU       500.00
  Circle Track Analyzer v4.0                                  CTA40         219.95
  Circle Track Analyzer Plus v4.0                             CTA40+        319.95
  Circle Track Log Book v1.1                                  CTL11         149.95
  Compression Ratio Calculator v2.3                           CR23CD         49.95
  Compression Ratio Calculator Plus v2.3  	              CR23+CD        69.95
  Compression Ratio Calculator Pro v2.3  	              CRP23CD        99.95
  DataMite Mini USB Hdwe & Software                           see below     499.00 
  Drag Racing Analyzer v3.4 B                                 DRA34B         99.95
  Drag Race Analyzer Pro v2.0 b std                           DRP20CD       249.00
  Drag Race Analyzer Pro Team Engineer v2.0 b                 DRP20CD       349.00
  Dyno DataMite Enterprise Edition Upgrade v4.2               DTMEE42U      350.00
  Engine Analyzer v3.4B                                       EA34B         139.95
  Engine Analyzer Plus v3.4B                                  EA34+B        219.95
  Engine Analyzer Pro v3.9 B                                  EAP39B        499.00 
  Engine Analyzer Pro Enterprise Edition v3.9 B               EAPE39B       749.00 
  Engine Log Book v1.1                                        ELB11         249.00 
  Engine Log Book, Plus v1.1                                  ELB11+        349.00 
  Engine Log Book, Pro v1.1C                                  ELBP11C       599.00 
  Fuel Economy Calculator v1.1                                FEC11C         99.95
  Fuel Injector Calculator v1.1                               FIC11C         49.95
  Lap Segment Timer v1.1                                      LST11C         79.95
  Performance Analyzer v1.1 DOS                               PA11I3        119.95
  Pit Stop Mileage Calculator v1.1                            PSMPG11        99.00
  Port Flow Analyzer v3.5C (basic)                            PFB35C        299.00 
  Port Flow Analyzer Pro v3.5C                                PFP35C        499.00 
  Port Flow Pro Head Porter Upgrade v3.5C                     PFHP35CUG     200.00 
  Race Clutch Analyzer v1.1 Win                               RC11C         199.95 
  Rotating Inertia Calculator v1.1                            RIC11C         49.95
  Roll Center Calculator v4.0                                 RC40          119.95
  Roll Center Calculator Plus v4.0                            RC40+         169.95
  Practice Tree v2.0 		                              PT20CD         49.95
  Practice Tree Plus v2.0 		                      PT20+CD        79.95
  Spring Wiz v1.1 B                                           SW11          249.95  
  Spring Wiz Plus v1.1 B                                      SW11+         349.95  
  Suspension Analyzer v2.4 C -std                             SA24C         299.00  
  Suspension Analyzer Full Vehicle v2.4 C                     SAF24C        449.00  
  Suspension Analyzer Full Vehicle with Data Logger v2.4 C    SAFDL24C      649.00  
  Transmission Gear Calculator v2.0   	                      TG20CD         49.95
  Transmission Gear Calculator Plus v2.0   	              TG+20CD        99.00
  Weather Wiz v1.1                                            WW11C          79.95  
  Super Flow 801 901 Dyno Software DOS                        DDA11I3       299.00
  Swirl Meter w USB Output                                    SWIRL-U      1099.00

Prices and availability subject to change without notice.

To order software, you can use the shopping cart on each product's page, or call Performance Trends at 248-473-9230, or email Performance Trends accepts Visa, Mastercard, wire transfer, and paypal.

Electronics like Swirl Meter, and DataMite data loggers, etc. have a limited 1 year warranty.



  Cam Test Stand and Accessories as of Mar 2024

PN        Description                                 $ Sg Rtl
CTSU     Complete Test Stand with Linear and Rotary   $ 2499 
         Encoders, Mini DataMite USB  and software
         Cam Test Stand Picture.
CTS-RE   Replacement Rotary Encoder                      279 
CTS-RMnt Rotary Encoder Mounting Kit, magnetically       110
         mounts and centers rotary encoder on end
         of cam. 
CTS-RECM Rotary Encoder Chuck Mount, lathe type chuck    325
         grips either an outside or inside diameter
         on the end of the cam. 
CTS-LE   Replacement Linear Encoder                      849 
CTSU-WOS Cam Test Stand USB without the Stand.  Rotary  1799 
         and Linear Encoders, Mini DataMite USB and 
         software.  Customer provides stand and method 
         of holding encoders and cam follower
CDRKU43  Cam Dr Retro-Fit Kit which includes the         899
         software and Mini DataMite USB.  Cam Dr 
         encoders will plug directly into the Mini
         DataMite USB with DB9 9 pin connectors
CA40+U   Cam Analyzer Plus version upgrade of software   250
         Cam Analyzer Plus Picture.
CA40CGU  Cam Analyzer 'Cam Grinder' upgrade of software  500
         Cam Analyzer 'Cam Grinder' Picture.
CTSUR750 Universal .750" roller follower                  95
         Cam Roller Follower Picture.
CTS-ML   Locating magnet kit, keeps camshaft traveling    35
         "true" on the Cam Test Stand V-Blocks
         Locating Magnet Kit Picture.
CTS-LEH  Linear Encoder lift handle, provides easy        20
         handle for Linear Encoder Probe
         Linear Encoder Picture.
CTS-EVB  Extend V Block kit, includes 2 V Block          220
         extensions (requires newer style V blocks
         released in 2010) and extended Linear 
         Encoder rod.  Kit provides clearance for cams
         with timing gears installed.
         Extended V Block Kit.
CTS-AVB  Adjustable V Block lets you raise one end of     95
         the cam to level when one journal is 
         significantly different in diameter
         Adjustable V Block.
CTS-VBC  V Block Clamp, will securely hold the cam       145
         journal on to the V Block.  With the rotary
         encoder attached, very short cams tend to tip
         off the V Blocks, and this clamp holds them 
         securely in place.  Nylon tip provides for 
         smooth, easy turning while not damaging the
         journal.  V Block Clamp
CTS-UFHN Universal Narrow Flat Tappet with indexed       195
         holder to simulate most any flat tappet.
         Can also be substituted for the CTS-TDCB
         above to determine location of timing 
         keyways and dowel pins, IF your stand
         has new, small style V blocks which
         do NOT extend over sides of extruded
         base.  Click on blue links for pictures.

CTS-48   48 inch stand option, to accommodate up to       95
         44 inch long cams (std is 32" long stand).
         Other custom length stands are available.
CTS-MC   Motorized stand option, includes a motor to    1250
         rotate the cam at a consistent, slow rate 
         and for mounting the cam "on centers".
         This price is for adding these parts to a
         new Cam Test Stand you are ordering.
         Note:  Some cams may not provide for index
         holes deep enough at both ends for this
         mounting method to work well.
CTS-MCRK Motorized stand option Retrofit Kit, includes  1475
         a motor to rotate the cam at a consistent,  
         slow rate and for mounting the cam "on centers" 
         and new brackets to replace existing V blocks.
         Note:  Some cams may not provide for index
         holes deep enough at both ends for this
         mounting method to work well.  Also, when
         retrofitting an existing stand, you will 
         loose about 10" of useable stand length for
         mounting your cams.
CTS-UK   Update Kit, to update your older style         495
         Cam Test Stand to our current design.
         This includes new V blocks, indexed linear
         bracket rod, slide, and indexed lifter bore 
         holder.  Click on blue text above for
         picture links of these items.  NOTE:  You
         do NOT get the CTS-UFH Universal Flat
         Tappet shown in pictures with this kit.
CTS-PT   Precision Tip with full ball exposed for        85
         280 deg, which is required for measuring
         extremely inverted flank (concave) profiles.
         Click on blue text above for picture 
         link of this item.
CTS-PTF  Precision Tip Follower for holding most any    125
         tip for measuring lift.  It comes standard
         with the standard linear encoder tip.
         By using this follower instead of the linear
         encoder directly on the cam, you can avoid
         side loading damage on the encoder when 
         measuring very aggressive ramps.
CTS-LSRI LS Style Rotary Encoder Index with 1.00" OD.    85
         This is designed for the larger hole in the
         Chevy LS Cams.  The standard Index is .625"
         OD.  The Index should be larger than the hole
         in the end of the cam to keep the encoder
CTSLSRIC LS Style Compact Rotary Encoder Index with     125
         1.00" OD.  This is designed for the larger 
         hole in the Chevy LS Cams.  The standard 
         Index is .625" OD.  The Index should be larger 
         than the hole in the end of the cam to keep 
         the encoder centered.  The compact design
         ensure more clearance on the stand for the
         dowel pin for the Rotary Encoder Arm.
CTS-RECA Rotary Encoder Cam Pro Plus Adapter plate      195
         adapts the Performance Trends rotary encoder
         to the Cam Pro Plus mounting bracket.
CTS-RMF  Rotary Encoder Flat Mount mounts rotary         95
         encoder to the end of small cams without
         much of a steel face for standard mount.  
         Significant portion of flat face of end of 
         cams must be between 1.00" (25.4 mm) and 
         .50" (12.7 mm).  Note: CTS-RHD8 may work better.
CTS-RMFI Rotary Encoder Flat Mount Insert mounts         35
         to the CTS-RMF above to center the mount
         on the end of small cams.  These must be
         custom made to your specs of OD and
CTS-RMFM Rotary Encoder Flat Mount Mini mounts rotary    95
         encoder to the end of small cams without
         much of a steel face for standard mount.  
         Significant portion of flat face of end of 
         cams must be between .75" (19.1 mm) and 
         .38" (9.5 mm).  Note: CTS-RHD8 may work better.
CTS-RMFIM Rotary Encoder Flat Mount Insert Mini mounts   35
         to the CTS-RMFM above to center the mount
         on the end of small cams.  These must be
         custom made to your specs of OD and
CTS-LEM  Linear Encoder Mounting Arm mounts on our       75
         notched mounting rod to hold encoder directly 
         over the cam centerline.
CTS-LESR Linear Encoder Mounting Rod 5/8" diameter       50
         for holding our CTS-LEM and CTS-LBM.  It is
         notched to index both parts directly over 
         the cam centerline.
CTS-LBM  Lifter Bore Mounting Arm mounts on our notched  75
         mounting rod to hold lifter directly over the
         cam centerline.
CTS-LEM  Linear Encoder Mounting Arm mounts on our       75
         notched mounting rod to hold encoder directly 
         over the cam centerline.
CTS-RHD8 Rotary Encoder Harley Davidson Milwaukee 8     115
         mounts rotary encoder to the end of small 
         cams without much of a steel face for 
         standard mount.  It has a tapered .250" 
         (6.4mm).  Significant portion of flat face 
         of end of cams must be between .75" (19.1 mm)
         and .38" (9.5 mm).
CTS-REBF Rotary Encoder Briggs & Stratton Flathead       95
         Adapter adapts the Performance Trends 
         rotary encoder .75" diameter journal on
         typical Briggs Flathead cams.
CTS-xxHD Heavy Duty Cam Test Stand with precision      1500
         roller bearings to replace V Blocks, larger
         base extrusion, and additional heavy duty
         parts to accommodate very large cams up to 
         and over 100 lbs and 100" length..
CTS-HDE  Heave Duty Cam Test Stand Extended Height      400
         option, typically used to allow testing 
         cams gears installed.


Quick Cam Checker Prices as of
December 2022

PN        Description                                           Sg Rtl
QCC       Quick Cam Checker system with 2 linear sensors,       $1099
          rotary sensor, pressure sensor, brackets, logger
          with rechargeable battery, USB cable, and 
          Cam Checker software.
QCC-E14   Quick Cam Checker pressure sensor extension, for        119
          engines with spark plug holes deep down the valve 
          covers.  E14 is 14 mm threads.
QCC-E12   Quick Cam Checker pressure sensor extension, for        119
          engines with spark plug holes deep down the valve 
          covers.  E12 is 12 mm threads.
QCC-CM6    Quick Cam Checker Crate Motor mount, for 602, 603 and 604        549
           GM Chevy crate motors.  It quickly and accurately mounts
           on the pushrods for quick tech inspection.
QCC-CMLS1  Quick Cam Checker LS1 Motor mount, for GM LS1 "Cathedral         549
           port" heads.  It quickly and accurately mounts
           on the pushrods for quick tech inspection.
QCC-CMLS3  Quick Cam Checker LS3 Motor mount, for GM LS3 Rectangular        549
           port heads.  It quickly and accurately mounts
           on the pushrods for quick tech inspection.
QCC-CMLS1P Quick Cam Checker LS1 Motor mount plate, for GM LS1              165
           "Cathedral port" heads.  This lets you mount your sensors
           on the QCC-CMLS3 bracket, but has spacing for the LS1
QCC-CMLS3P Quick Cam Checker LS3 Motor mount plate, for GM LS3              165
           Rectangular port heads.  This lets you mount your sensors
           on the QCC-CMLS1 bracket, but has spacing for the LS3
QCC-LSEx   Quick Cam Checker Lift Sensor w Enclosure (R for Red, Y for      159
           Yellow marking for x).
QCC-RRS    Quick Cam Checker Replacement Rotary Sensor                       85
QCC-RRS1   Quick Cam Checker 10 turn Rotary Sensor for measuring cam         95
           on engine stand.
QCC-RW     Quick Cam Checker std 2.6" drive wheel for Rotary Sensor          59
QCC-RWL    Quick Cam Checker large 5.25" drive wheel for Rotary Sensor       95
QCC-SPB    Quick Cam Checker Spring Loaded Bracket, for keeping force        79
           on the rotary sensor drive wheel to prevent slipping.
QCC-PK     Quick Cam Checker Adapter w Cup, for setting lift sensors         39
           on pushrod with ball end (set of 2, includes springs).
QCC-PKC    Quick Cam Checker Adapter w Ball, for setting lift sensors        39
           on pushrod with cup end (set of 2, includes springs).
QCC-PK5    Quick Cam Checker Adapter Extended, for setting lift sensors      39
           and keeping aligned w 5/16" pushrod with ball end 
           (set of 2, includes springs).
QCC-PKT    Quick Cam Checker Threaded Adapter, with 4-40 female threads      39
           to allow you to do custom adapters or threaded extensions 
           (set of 2).
QCC-PKM    Quick Cam Checker Magnetic Adapter, with strong rare earth        39
           to more securely hold length sensor on a steel retainer 
           (set of 2).
QCC-SRP    Quick Cam Checker Strain Relief Package, for reducing wear        39
           and tear on the USB connector on logger.


Practice Tree Accessories (switches) as of Sept 2022

PN        Description                                   Sg Rtl
PT20C    Practice Tree Software Only for Windows         49.95 
         XP, Vista, Win 7, Win 8, Win 10.
PT20C    Practice Tree Plus Software Only for Windows    79.95 
         98/NT/Me/XP/2000/Vista/Win 7/Win 10/Win 11.
         Has features for shift light reactions.
PT-BC    Practice Tree DB9 Break Out Cable for           55.00 
         COM (serial) port for customer to wire
         their own switches.
PT-BCC   Practice Tree DB9 Break Out Cable for           60.00 
         COM (serial) port with connectors for
         plugging in Performance Trends Switches.
PT-FSC   Practice Tree Foot Switch w Connector           60.00 
         (plugs into PT-BCC).
PT-HSC   Practice Tree Hand Held Switch w Connector      60.00 
         (plugs into PT-BCC).
PT-SMP   Practice Tree "Sportsman Package" includes     159.95 
         PT20C (software), PT-BCC and any combination
         of 2 switches, either PT-FSC or PT-HSC.
         This is a $50 savings.
PT-FSCC  Practice Tree Foot Switch w DB9 Connector.      65.00 
         This switch is cheaper than buying the 
         PT-BCC + PT-FSC, but it is less adaptable.
         This part only allows 1 foot switch to be
         plugged into the computer's COM port.
PT-HSCC  Practice Tree Hand Switch w DB9 Connector.      65.00 
         This switch is cheaper than buying the 
         PT-BCC + PT-FSC, but it is less adaptable.
         This part only allows 1 foot switch to be
         plugged into the computer's COM port.
DT2-USBP USB-Com Port adapter.  This is required for     24.00
         any of the Practice Tree switches to plug
         into a computer without a COM (serial) port
         but which does have a USB port.  NOTE:  This
         part is discounted $15 from the normal DT2-USB
         when purchased with Practice Tree options.



Port Flow Analyzer Accessory Prices as of Jan 2025

PN        Description                                            Sg Rtl
PFB35BC   Basic Version of Port Flow Analyzer v3.5C              $299
          and manual for Windows XP/Vista/Win 7/Win 8/Win 10.
PFP35BC   Professional Version of Port Flow Analyzer v3.5C       $499
          and manual for Windows XP/Vista/Win 7/Win 8/Win 10.
PFHP35BUG Head Porter Upgrade to Port Flow Analyzer v3.5C Pro    $200
          adds many advanced features to already advanced
          Professional version.
PFA-FSU   USB Foot Switch (connects directly to computer and       95
          will bypass most FlowCom conflicts).        
          USB Foot Switch Picture.
PFA-HSU   USB Hand Switch (connects directly to computer and       95
          will bypass most FlowCom conflicts).        
          USB Hand Switch Picture.
PFA-FSFC  Foot Switch for FlowCom                                  55
          FlowCom Foot Switch Picture.

PFA-HSFC  Hand Switch for FlowCom or Electronic Interface          65
          FlowCom Hand Switch Picture.

PFA-FCSA  Port Flow USB FlowCom Serial Adapter allows USB          39
          FlowComs to connect to serial cable to communicate
          via serial port or USB-Serial adapter.
          USB FlowCom Serial Cable Picture.

PFA-1020SC Port Flow USB SF1020 Serial Cable allows USB            55
           SF1020 benches to connect to serial cable to 
           communicate via serial port or USB-Serial adapter.
           USB FlowCom Serial Cable Picture.

PFA-PTE   Exhaust Pitot tube for measuring air velocity in        199
          the exhaust port, with 90 deg bend at 3".
          Exhaust Pitot Tube Picture.

PFA-PTES  Exhaust Pitot tube for measuring air velocity in        149
          the exhaust port, straight over entire length.
          Exhaust Pitot Tube Picture.

PFA-PTI   Intake Pitot tube for measuring air velocity in         149
          the intake port.Intake Pitot Tube Picture.

PFA-PTIM  Mini Intake Pitot tube for measuring air velocity in    239
          the intake port.Mini Intake Pitot Tube Picture.  Its
          very small size lets you use it in VERY small 
          and short ports, or in tight areas.
PFA-VAU   Universal Valve Opener with dial indicator, up to 1"    325
          travel, -10 to +20 deg angle adjustment.
          Manual Valve Opener Page.
PFA-VAUM  Universal Valve Opener with metric dial indicator, up   395
          to 25 mm travel, -10 to +20 deg angle adjustment.
          Manual Valve Opener Page.
PFA-VAUD  Universal Valve Opener with digital dial indicator,     365
          up to 1" of travel, -10 to +20 deg angle adjustment.
          Button switches between inches and mm display.
          Manual Valve Opener Page.
PFA-VAU4  Universal Valve Opener 4 valve tip to open 2 valves     155
          at the same time.
PFAEZCO   Calibration orifice plate to check flows on your         70
          flow bench for accuracy, typically 1.875" size.
PFA-QR    Quik Retainer kit.  Standard kit includes 2 light        30
          testing springs, and 4 Quik Retainers, 2 at 5/16 
          (which also work on 8 mm LS valves) and 2 at 11/32.  
          3/8" retainer kit also available.
          Manual Valve Opener Page with pictures of Kit.
PFA-VO    Electronic Automatic Valve Opener with 110/220 VAC     1199
          "universal" power supply.  Includes light duty
          testing valve spring.  Automatic Valve Opener Page.
PFA-VO4V  Electronic Valve Opener 4 Valve Adapter to open 2       135
          valves at the same time.
PFA-VOS   Standard, adjustable head mounting bracket.             135
PFA-VOBZ  Brezinski adapter for Valve Opener                       50
PFA-VMA   SB Mopar and BB Mopar head adapter lets PFA-VAU or      135
          PFA-VOS mount to these heads. 
          Manual Valve Opener Page.
PFA-KBA   Kart Motor Bore Adapter to a fixed bore size as         295
          specified by customer, for mounting to the standard
          SuperFlow bolt pattern.
PFA-KVOB  Kart Motor Valve Opener Bar, for mounting the           100
          PFA-VAU manual valve opener.
PFA-VK    Kart Motor Valve Opener mount, shorter than standard     35
          and should be ordered as an option to the PFA-VAU.
PFA-KCA   Kart Motor Carb Adapter plate, for mounting kart motor  145
          motor carb to SuperFlow flow bench bolt pattern.
PFA-LF4   Low Flow Sensor for 4" PVC Tube.  Requires proper       299
          version of Black Box USB and Head Porter version
          of software. It also includes a temperature sensor.
PFA-LF6   Low Flow Sensor for 6" PVC Tube.  Requires proper       299
          version of Black Box USB and Head Porter version
          of software. It also includes a temperature sensor.
FlowCom  Our Port Flow Analyzer and Swirl Meters are             1899
          compatible with SuperFlow's FlowCom (tm)
          electronics.  The FlowCom can be purchased
          directly from SuperFlow for approximately $1899
          and offers 3 pressure sensors, 2 temp sensors,
          swirl meter input, and options for adapting it
          to SuperFlow benches or custom benches.  
Electronic Velocity Probes (requires Head Porter version of Port Flow):
PFA-EVP   Electronic Port Velocity Probe, plugs directly         299
          into Black Box II, not SuperFlow FlowCom.
PFA-EVP+  Electronic Port Velocity Probe Plus with separate      549
          jumper and tip to allow for both measuring port
          and valve velocity.  Plugs directly into Black 
          Box II, not SuperFlow FlowCom.  Includes PFA-EVPT
          Velocity Probe Tip and Indexed Retainer.
PFA-EVPT  Electronic Port Velocity Probe replacement tip.         99
          Requires PFA-EVP+ to be read.

Bore Adapters, Bore Sleeves, Head Bolt Pattern Plates:
PFA-BAS   Flow Bench Bore Adapter Plate w Spacer bolts to         345
          standard 5" square flow bench bolt pattern and
          accepts interchangeable bore sleeves and head
          bolt pattern adapter plates listed below.
          Bores less than 3.55" require surcharge.
PFA-EZ6AP Head Bolt Pattern Adapter Plate, built to most any      185
          head bolt pattern.  Customer to specify bolt pattern.
          Bores less than 3.55" or greater than 4.50" require 
PFA-EZ6BS Bore Sleeve, built to most any bore size per customer   190
          specs from 3.55" to 4.50".  Bores less than 3.55" or
          up to 4.60" require $100 surcharge.  Bores over 4.60",
          please contact us for special pricing.  

Swirl Meter (requires Pro or Head Porter versions for recording in Port Flow):
SWIRL-U Paddle wheel type swirl meter with digital             1099
          readout of RPM including direction (- sign
          means swirl is CCW when viewed from the top).
          Menu of button options allows for instant updates,
          5 or 10 second average readings (very repeatable),
          and max and min swirl readings during the
          averaging time period (indicates stability of
          swirl).  Swirl Meter Information.

SWRL-TA   Swirl meter tumble adapter allows swirl                call
          meter to be mounted perpendicular to flow
          to measure tumble.  These are custom built
          to customer specs and have several options.  
          Tumble Fixture Information.

Swirl Meter Blade Options:
  Standard Swirl Blades (2.5 to 4.5 in 1/4" steps)                 35
  Standard Swirl Blades to specified diameter                      60
  Extended Height Swirl Blades to specified diameter              100
    (recommended for small diameter bore adapters, less
     than 2.5" or 65 mm)
  4 blade swirl meter blades to spec'd diameter                   300
Tumble Fixture Options, NO SWIVEL FEATURE:
  Tumble Fixture with 1 Head Bolt Pattern Plate (to              1799
  customer's specs), NO swivel, NO interchangeable bores.  
  Designed for 1 bore size and interchangeable head 
  bolt patterns. *
  Tumble Fixture with 1 Head Bolt Pattern Plate (to              2499
  customer's specs), NO swivel, but with ability to   
  accommodate interchangeable bores.  (Includes 1 
  Head Bolt Pattern Plate and 1 Bore Sleeve to customer's 
  specs, 4.165" max bore at this price.) *

  Head Bolt Pattern Plate (to customer's specs) for               399
  NON-Swivel Tumble Fixture. *
  Bore Sleeve (to customer's specs) for NON-Swivel                549
  Tumble Fixture. *
Tumble Fixture Options, WITH SWIVEL FEATURE:
  Tumble Fixture with 1 head bolt pattern plate, ability         3899
  to accommodate interchangeable bores and WITH DEGREED
  SWIVEL feature (to allow measuring tumble along most
  any axis perpendicular to the bore).  (Includes 1 head 
  bolt pattern plate and 1 bore sleeve to customer's 
  specs, 4.165" max bore at this price.)  *
  Head Bolt Pattern Plate (to customer's specs) for SWIVEL        399
  Tumble Fixture.  *
  Bore Sleeve (to customer's specs) for SWIVEL Tumble             549
  Fixture.  *
* The Head Bolt Pattern Plates and Bore Sleeves can only 
  accommodate a narrow range of different bores, typically
  within a 1/4" (5 mm) range.
Performance Trends' Black Box Data Interface Accessories
  PFA-BBU      Base USB Black Box w either 0.3 psi, 1.0 psi, 	 $599	
               or 3.6 psi sensors for test and flow pressure
               (can be set up to read both + and - pressure)
  PFA-BBVel    Port Velocity pressure sensor for Pitot Tube, 	  100
               either 1.0 psi or 3.6 psi sensor
  BB2-IWS      Internal weather sensors (Barometric Pressure,	  300
               Temperature, and Humidity sensors and
               recirculating fan)
  PFA-BBTmp    RTD temp sensor (2 required for SF 110 type 	   60
Performance Trends' Flow Bench Controller
  PFA-USBC     USB Micro Flow Bench Controller               	 $449	
  PFA-BBCM     Flow Bench Power Module-Std 110 VAC     	 	  399	
	       25 amps (requires PFA-USBC)	
  PFA-BBCM2    Flow Bench Power Module-Std 220 VAC     	 	  449	
	       25 amps (requires PFA-USBC)	
  PFA-BBCMH    Flow Bench Power Module-High Amp 110 VAC     	  699	
	       50 amps (requires PFA-USBC)	
  PFA-BBCMH2   Flow Bench Power Module-High Amp 220 VAC     	  699	
	       50 amps (requires PFA-USBC)	


EZ Flow System Prices as of Oct 2023 

EZ Flow System Diagram with part numbers

PFA-EZ    Base EZ Flow System consists of Basic Port Flow Analyzer software,       $1099
          Black Box USB Electronics (PFA-BBU), PFAEZBA (bore adapter), 
          PFAEZO-x.xx (flow orifice), qty=3 PFAEZTB.125 (1/8" tubing), 
          plans, parts list  (EZ Flow System Picture)                        
PFA-EZ6   EZ Flow System for 6" PVC consists of same parts as PFA-EZ               $1349
          above except a larger flow orifice and larger, more complex bore
          adapter (EZ Flow System Picture)
PFA-EZX   EZ Flow System extras package listed below qty 3 PFAEZPP.125,            $340
          qty 2 PFAEZFL4, PFAEZMPT, PFAEZ90-4, qty 2 PFAEZPVC4-19,
          PFAEZPVC4-10, qty 2 PFAEZFT, PFAEZRDx.x, PFEZCOx.xx   (Shipping 
          for this outside the US can be quite expensive as the size of 
          the carton is large.)
PFA-EZX6  EZ Flow System extras package with parts listed above, except for        $550
          6" PVC tubing (Shipping for this outside the US can be quite
          expensive as the size of the carton is VERY large.)
PFA-LF4   Low Flow Sensor for 4" PVC Tube.  Requires proper                        $299
          version of Black Box USB and Head Porter version
          of software. It also includes a temperature sensor.
PFA-LF6   Low Flow Sensor for 6" PVC Tube.  Requires proper                        $299
          version of Black Box USB and Head Porter version
          of software. It also includes a temperature sensor.

 Pricing for Individual Parts


Part Number


Price each



Std Bore Adapter for 4" EZ Flow, part of Performance Trends EZ Flow System with SB Chevy and SB Ford bolt patterns and approx 4.03" ID, includes std 5" square SuperFlow bolt pattern  (other bolt patterns available)




Flow Orifice (x.xx is diameter), part of Performance Trends 4" EZ Flow System  Available sizes are 2.0" (160 CFM), 1.5" (90 CFM), 1.0" (40 CFM)




Flow Orifice (x.xx is diameter), part of Performance Trends 6" EZ Flow System  Available sizes are 3.25" (420 CFM), 3.0" (360 CFM), 2.5" (250 CFM)




24" lengths of 1/8" clear PVC tubing for routing pressure to sensors in Black Box, part of Performance Trends EZ Flow System




Plastic 1/8" NPT to 1/8" barbed hose fitting  (Ace Hdwe 4013108 for brass)




4" PVC flanges w 6" bolt circle holes  (NIBCO 4851 Genova 75141)  Note that these may have to be drilled to match the bolt pattern of the PFAEZO-x.xx orifice, and have the face sanded or ground smooth to provide an air tight seal using the PFAEZFT.




4" PVC to male pipe thread adapter (NIBCO 4084, Genova 70440)




4" PVC 90 deg streamlined elbow (NIBCO 4807, Genova 72840, Genova 73840 for a more gradual bend)




19" length of 4" schedule 40 PVC straight tubing




10" length of 4" schedule 40 PVC straight tubing




24" lengths of light foam tape/weather stripping




Rubber reducers, 4" to x.x inch (available sizes, 4", 3", 2.5" and 2")




6" square calibration orifice plate for 4" or 6" systems, with x.xx inch diameter sharp edged orifice (available sizes are 3.0, 2.5, 1.875, 1.5 and 1.0 inches)




Flow Straightener for 4" or 6" ID PVC (customer fits to their PVC tubing) Click on blue link for  Flow Straightener  picture.




Flow Orifice (x.xx is diameter), part of Performance Trends 6" EZ Flow System  Available sizes are 3.25" (420 CFM), 3.0" (360 CFM), 2.5" (250 CFM)

1 PFA-EZBA6 EZ Flow 6" Base Plate Std SuperFlow (EZ Flow System includes this plus PFA-EZ6BC and PFA-EZ6APC)  (bores less than 3.55" cost more) 395
1 PFA-EZ6BC EZ Flow 6" Bore Sleeve Chev/Ford 4.03 235
1 PFA-EZ6BS EZ Flow 6" Bore Sleeve to Spec Bore (bores less than 3.55" cost more) 290
1 PFA-EZ6APC EZ Flow 6" Adapter Plate SB Chev/Ford 285
1 PFA-EZ6AP EZ Flow 6" Adapter to Spec Bolt Pattern (bores less than 3.55" cost more) 295


Blow By Sensor Prices as of January 2024

  DT3-BLB1     1 CFM Blowby Sensor		 		 $649	
  DT3-BLB3     3 CFM Blowby Sensor		 		 $649	
  DT3-BLB6     6 CFM Blowby Sensor		 		 $649	
  DT3-BLB12    12 CFM Blowby Sensor		 		 $649	
  DT3-BLB18    18 CFM Blowby Sensor		 		 $649	
  DT3-BLBM     Modifying a Blowby Sensor for a different range	   55
               (requires sensor to be returned to Performance
  DMC-BL       Blowby Recorder 					 $349	
  DMC-BLA      Blowby Recorder w Analog Output			 $399	
  DMC-BLR      Blowby Recorder with RPM Input			 $399	
  DMC-BL       Blowby Recorder with RPM Input and Analog Output	 $419	
  DMC-BLRT     Blowby Recorder 12 v tach signal input	 	  $69	
               cable, with alligator clip to ground to engine
               and female spade for 12 volt tach signal.
  DT3-BLC.8    0.8 CFM Blowby Calibration Checker		 $129	
  DT3-BLCG.8   0.8 CFM Blowby Calibration Checker w Gauge	 $169	
  DT3-BLC2     2 CFM Blowby Calibration Checker			 $129	
  DT3-BLCG2    2 CFM Blowby Calibration Checker w Gauge		 $169	
  DT3-BLC5     5 CFM Blowby Calibration Checker			 $129	
  DT3-BLCG5    5 CFM Blowby Calibration Checker w Gauge		 $169	
  DT3-BLC12    12 CFM Blowby Calibration Checker		 $129	
  DT3-BLCG12   12 CFM Blowby Calibration Checker w Gauge	 $169	

Spring Tester Prices Prices as of January 2024

PN           Description                                                 Retail

SPV11C-DM    Valve Spring Tester software (Basic) with interface to        499  
             Power Tech's PT-200 spring tester. Replace your Power Tech 
             electronics with our DataMite Mini USB, which then plugs 
             into your computer's USB port.  Note:  You will have to
             change the load cell and length sensor connectors on your 
             tester to plug into our Mini USB.  For extra $100, we can 
             do this if you send in your tester.  This allows the Power 
             Tech tester to be used with most any computer, including 
             laptops, Windows XP through Windows 10.
SPV11C-ST    Valve Spring Tester software (Basic), Mini USB interface,    1449  
             sensors and stand:  the complete package calibrated
             and ready to start testing.  The force sensor is
             a calibrated electronic load cell for the ultimate
             in accuracy and repeatability.  Add $100 for Plus 
             version of software.  This stand accommodates free spring
             heights up to 2.85 inches and loads up to 1000 lbs. Other
             optional ranges available.	
SPV+11C      Plus version of Spring Tester software with many more         100
             advanced features, typically included in 95% of orders.
SPV-L3+      High (3.25 inch) Spring Opening Option to accommodate         200  
             very large valve springs, common in certain drag race
             classes.  (Note:  Due to tolerances in various presses
             we use, the actual opening could be as high as 3.40" or
SPV-LCNS     Non Standard Load Cell xxx lbs to accommodate smaller or       50
             or larger than typical valve springs.  Ranges (xxx) 
             include 250, 500, 1500, 2000 and 2500 lbs.  
SPV-PP       Platten Plates for manual spring tester to make the upper      99
             and lower plattens complete flat and reduce height of
             of tester opening.  This improves accuracy when measuring
             very small height and diameter spring.
              for picture.
SPV11C-STK   Valve Spring Tester, Complete Kit with calibrated Load       1299
             cell and 3" length sensor.  This includes EVERYTHING 
             except the press.  This kit only makes sense if you live
             overseas and want to avoid the expensive shipping (which
             can be as high as $800 or more) for the heavy 55 lb
             (22 Kg) complete test stand.  Shipping for just this 
             kit will be more like $120.   for picture.

SPV11A-ST    Automatic (pneumatic) Valve Spring Tester, the complete      3999  
             package comes calibrated and ready to start testing.  
             You provide shop air and a PC and start testing. The 
             force sensor is a calibrated electronic load cell for 
             the ultimate in accuracy and repeatability.  You produce
             about 12 lbs of force for every 1 psi of shop air.  
             130 psi produces about 1600 lbs.  Plus Version of software
             is included for this price.  Std load cell is rated for
             1000 lbs and standard 4" opening accommodates free spring
             heights up to 3.00 inches and loads up to 2500 lbs. Other
             optional ranges available.	
SPV11A-HFO   Automatic (pneumatic) Valve Spring Tester's HIGH FORCE        999  
             OPTION adds a much larger pneumatic cylinder, 2500 lb
             load cell, and other modifications to our standard 
             automatic tester to produce much higher forces.  130 psi 
             of air pressure produces 2500 lbs of spring force.  
SPV-OE     On-engine valve spring seat pressure tester, includes         799  
             ability to automatically find seat pressure, so everyone
             will get the same number.     for picture.
SPV-OEHF     High Force On-engine valve spring seat pressure tester,       949  
             up to 700 lbs.     for picture.
SPV-OECA     On-engine valve spring seat pressure tester compact           199  
             adapter, for valve trains with limited room at the tip
             of the rocker arm.     for picture.

 SPS11C-RFU Suspension Spring Tester retro-fit kit to instrument         1249  
             your existing coil spring tester.  It includes a 2000 lb
             load cell and 4" length sensor, USB logger and basic
             software.  Other ranges for sensors are also available.
              for picture.
SPS+11C      Plus version of Spring Tester software with many more         100
             advanced features, typically included in 95% of orders.

DataMite "Stand Alone" Weather Station  Prices as of January 2024

Click on blue link for Weather Wiz Software/Weather Station Page.
PN           Description                                                 Retail

WW11-WS      Stand alone weather station to measure Barometric         $ 399.00
             Pressure, Air Temperature and Humidity.  Powered by
             USB cable and communicates to Weather Wiz software
             which is included free with system.

Wide Band O2 A/F Sensor/System Prices as of January 2024

Click on blue link for A/F Sensors Page.
Click on blue link to see prices in list of DataMite Sensor List.
PN           Description                                                 Retail

DT3-AF1      Single A/F Controller w Sensor (no gauge).  Provides 	$ 259.00  
             analog output. * 		
DT2-AFG      Single A/F Controller w Sensor and gauge.  Provides 	$ 299.00  
             analog output. * 		
DT3-AF4      A/F Controller w 4 Sensor.  Provides 4 analog outputs. *	  899.00 DISCONTINUED 
DT2-AFRM     Mini Single Remote Sampler (needs controller to provide      339.00
             sensor and a signal).
DT2-AFRMT    Mini Single Remote Sampler Trap (for DT2-AFRM).  Provides     60.00
             fittings and low restriction trap for sample before it
             gets to sensor.  Can extend life of sensor "some".  To keep
             the trap low restriction, it must let moisture and some
             particulate through.
DT2-AFS      Replacement Bosch Wide Band O2 Sensor (square connector).    109.00
DT2-AFSR     Replacement Bosch Wide Band O2 Sensor (round connector).     135.00
DTM-EBS      Oxygen sensor threaded boss fitting to weld to exhaust pipe    3.50
DTM-EBSE     Oxygen sensor threaded Extended Length, Finned, boss          18.00
             fitting to weld to exhaust pipe, to keep sensor cooler
             and only tip of sensor protrudes into exhaust to keep
             flow restriction low.
DTM-EBSP     Plug for Oxygen Sensor weldable boss                           2.50
DT3-AFSCK    A/F Sensor Checker (calibrator) to check your A/F sensor     849.00
             and entire logger system for accuracy.
* You can add a 110/220 VAC power supply by adding a "P" to the end of the
part number and $40 to $90 to the price, depending on system.
Click on blue link for more Wide Band O2 A/F sensor options.
Click on blue link for more A/F Sensor Checker (calibrator) info.

Shock Dyno Prices as of January 2024

Click on blue link for Shock Dyno page for more details.
PN           Description                                                 Retail

SDyn-RK      Shock Dyno Retro-Fit Kit, includes software, electronics,	$1499.00  
             1000 or 2000 lb load cell, and 3" length (stroke) sensor.             
SDyn-B       Base complete Shock Dyno with 2 HP 110 VAC motor,	 	 5999.00  
             2000 lb load cell, 0.5 to 2.5 strokes in 0.5" steps,
             0-3 up to 0-14 inches/sec testing velocities.  
SDyn-220     220 VAC 2.0 HP motor option.  This is also need for 	  295.00  
             countries where 220 VAC is standard power.  In countries
             where frequency is 50 Hz, speeds and HP rating will drop
             about 15%.
SDyn-EM      19" Mast extensions, adds 19" to standard mast heights. 	  350.00  
SDyn-IR      Infra-red temperature sensor only (no bracket)		  295.00  
             for standard Shock Dyno (needs Plus version of software).
SDyn-IRF     Infra-red temperature sensor with flex mounting bracket	  355.00  
             for standard Shock Dyno (needs Plus version of software).
SDyn-IRFB    Infra-red temperature sensor flex mounting bracket only.	   79.00  
SDyn-Plus    Plus version of Shock Dyno Software with many advanced	  500.00  
             features (needed to read Sdyn-IR).
SDyn-SSAK    Stock Shock Adapter Kit (3 piece) lets you test more	  395.00  
             production style shocks, instead of the race style with
             Heim joints.  This 3 piece kit handles top stud/bottom
             cross bar type of front shocks, and top cross bar/bottom
             bolt hole rear shocks.  Threads for for dyno using
             1/2" - 20 (fine) threads.  Kits for other threads are
             available for a nominal charge.
SDyn-G10     Shock dyno high speed 10:1 gear ratio, for 50% higher	  200.00  
             speeds by 50% less force.
SDyn-G05     Shock dyno super high speed 5:1 gear ratio, for 200%	  200.00  
             higher speeds by 200% less force.
SDyn-FMT     Shock Dyno Adjustable Motorcycle Fork Mount for the          549.00
             top of the fork, to clamp to the body of the fork.
SDyn-FML     Shock Dyno Adjustable Motorcycle Fork Mount for the          699.00
             lower end of the fork, to clamp to an axle shaft.

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