Certain types of electrical noise can affect how fast the DataMite logger can record data. Say for 50 samples per second, data is recorded every 20 milliseconds. When this certain type of electrical noise is present, some data may be recorded at 21 milliseconds. This may not seem important, but when calculating acceleration of an inertia data, timing being off can significantly change the torque and HP numbers. The software looks for this data timing problem and gives you a message about timing and possibly data corruption. It is best to locate the source of the electrical noise and correct it. We’ve seen electric motors (especially VFD motors), light fixtures, ultra-sonic cleaners, battery chargers, and more produce electrical noise producing this problem. Repositioning the logger or sensor cables typically fixes it. The process to fix it would be: - Without the engine running (no ignition), record some data, see if the electrical noise messages are gone. - Turn off possible sources of noise, record some data, and see if the electrical noise messages are gone. - Tag and then unplug several sensors, record some data, see if the electrical noise messages are gone. We have seen the thermocouple sensors to be especially prone to noise. - Reposition the logger box, record some data, see if the electrical noise messages are gone. Once you know what is causing the problem, try to relocate the noise problem, cables, data logger, etc differently. If it is the ignition, try resistor or supressor plugs or wires. If you can not remove the noise problem, the software can usually fix it so you will never know there was this problem. It will ask you a question and it is suggested you answer Yes to fix it. The timing of the data can also be corrupted if WHILE YOU ARE RECORDING DATA you try to modify something on the Current Readings screen. This is especially true of changing the Controller Settings, and this type of corrupted data can not be fixed. If the software sees the timing is corrupted, but you were changing the Controller Settings, the software will recommend you do NOT try to have the software fix it. There a 3 Preference settings which let you avoid questions about electrical noise. Always show noise issue and ask to fix for each occurance This will always show you if noise is encountered and let you decide for each occurance what to do. This setting will produce the most messages and questions. Always fix, do NOT ask (but ask if noise caused by controller commands) This will always try to fix the noise if it is found without asking you or warning you. However, if the software thinks the problem is caused by you trying to make Current Readings screen changes when recording data, it will ask what it should do. Always fix, do NOT ask (but do NOT fix if caused by controller commands) This will always try to fix the noise if it is found without asking you or warning you. However, if the software thinks the problem is caused by you trying to make Current Readings screen changes when recording data, it will NOT ask what it should do, and not try to correct the data. This setting will produce the fewest questions.