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    Producing Quality Computer Tools for Racers and Engine Builders since 1986





Pictures of DataMite Temperature and Pressure Sensors and Options


DT2-IRAF  Analog (0-5 volt) Infra Red Tire Temperature Sensor 


DT4-IR3  3 Channel analog (0-5 volt) Infra Red Tire Temperature Sensor  DISCONTINUED
IR3-3-channel-IR-sensor.jpg (227643 bytes)  click image to enlarge it     for list of features.


Air Temperature Thermocouple


Hose Clamp Style Exhaust Thermocouple Mounting Kit


Exhaust Thermocouple (Exposed "E" tip shown, good for fast response air or exhaust temperatures.  Sheathed "S" covered tip is good for slower responding fluid temperatures, or when more durability is needed in strongly pulsing exhaust flows, like high HP blown motors.)


DTM-C4K and DTM-C4K18  14 mm Cylinder Head Temperature Thermocouple  (picture shows longer 18 ft lead)


Thermocouple Extension Lead (10 foot, single channel for std DataMite)


Thermocouple Fittings, DTM-EKBHD (heavy duty boss), DTM-EKB (std), and DTM-EKF (steel 1/8" compression fitting)

DTM-EKFF looks exactly like DTM-EKF, but has O rings for fluid temperatures like oil and water.


Thermocouple Fittings, 1/8" NPT plug DTM-EKBP


DT3-TCE30 Thermocouple Extension Lead (30 foot, 4 channel for DataMite III or DataMite 4)  5, 10, and 15 ft cables also available


Fluid Temperature Sensor (150 to 230 degrees only, thermocouples recommended for better precision)


BB2-2KC  Black Box Dual K Thermocouple Amplifier (converter)
  Click here for more info on BB2-2KC


BB2-BCT  Black Box Dual K Thermocouple Breakout Cable (used with BB2-2KC above)



DTMPxxx or DT2-VACx Stainless Steel Pressure Sensor (ranges available from 25 to 10,000 PSI) or Vacuum/Boost sensor (ranges available from 14.7 psi vacuum up to either 30, 45 or 60 psi boost)  Pressure port is 1/4" male NPT.


Resistance Type Pressure Sensor (ranges available from 30 to 400 PSI)


DT4-DP0.5  -0.5 to 0.5 psi (10" water) differential pressure sensor (higher ranges also available)

DT2-VACP Vacuum/Boost Sensor, one port vacuum, the other boost or pressure 36 psi (other ranges higher and lower available)




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