[Company Logo Image]     Performance Trends Inc

    Producing Quality Computer Tools for Racers and Engine Builders since 1986





Re: Performance Trends Newsletter (updates)

To: Visitors to Performance Trends Website

Subject: Product News/Updates, Jan 2009


  1. Preliminary Roll Center Calculator/Circle Track Analyzer v3.6
  2. New Oxygen Sensor Checker
  3. Engine Log Book Enhancements
  4. New Website Look
  5. More Funny Farm
  6. More Blogging
  7. Last November's Newsletter


1)  Preliminary Roll Center Calculator/Circle Track Analyzer v3.6  Our popular Roll Center Calculator and Circle Track Analyzer have a major update coming.  In addition to these updates, we've added a new program, the Roll Center Calculator Plus.   In this update, we've combined all 3 programs into the Circle Track Analyzer.  Then you will unlock the features you want based on the working code we give you.  This makes it easy for you to upgrade to a more advanced version should you want to.  These 3 different programs are now:

Roll Center Calculator, which does the Front Suspension only.
Roll Center Calculator Plus, which does the Front Suspension and Rear Suspension, plus some front to rear “balance” analysis.
The full Circle Track Analyzer, which does everything the old Circle Track Analyzer v3.5 did plus many new features.

Some of the new features for the Circle Track Analyzer include:

New handling rating or % Oversteer or Understeer based on aero, cross weight, roll stiffness, banking, and even more detailed effects.
Separate front and rear aerodynamic lift coefficients, which let you see how aero downforce adjustments can affect handling.  See second screen below.
Now you can include an anti-roll bar on the rear suspension.
More detailed Front Suspension screen lets you more precisely locate how the A Arm mounts are mounted on the frame.  See screen below.
New Big Bar Soft Spring "Starting Point Suggestions".
Much more.

The picture below shows the new "more details" feature for the Front Suspension Screen.  This detail produces more accurate A Arm mounts in 2 dimensions (which is what the program will still use) and lets the program calculate Anti-Squat.  This feature is included in all 3 programs:  Roll Center Calculator, Roll Center Calculator Plus and Circle Track Analyzer, double A Arm or McPhearson Strut.  You can still use the original, simpler method if you want.

  click on image to enlarge it.


New front and rear downforce calculations, and % Oversteer/Understeer handling rating.  Note that the pink values are for the user selected baseline condition for comparison.

  click on image to enlarge it.


We've got a preliminary demo we invite you to try.  You can download and install it by clicking on the blue link:  Preliminary Circle Track Analyzer v3.6IMPORTANT:  Installing this program will NOT affect your earlier Roll Center Calculator or Circle Track Analyzer programs.

When you run this demo, it will ask which of the 3 programs you want to try out.  The next time you run the demo, you can choose a different program to try.  We are very anxious to get your feedback and suggestions.

Click on this blue link for the Circle Track Analyzer v3.6 Supplement.  It describes all major new features for these 3 programs.


2)  New Oxygen Sensor Checker  We've sold hundreds of A/F O2 sensors and systems over the years.  These are used in race engines and 2 strokes, both of which put out lead and/or oil deposits which eventually foul out the sensor.  The problem is, there is no way to tell if the sensor has gone bad.  That is why we've developed this A/F Sensor Checker.

  click on image to enlarge it.

Now you can check your wide band O2 sensors and see if they have gone bad or your engine is really running that lean. You screw in your sensor and supply the nitrogen (or argon) gas, and the propane or shop air at the specified rate to produce most any A/F mixture, from 11:1 rich to as lean as 17:1. (These fittings are on the back side of the device in picture. Gases not included with calibrator.)

If you want us to check out your used sensors, send it to us at this address:  

    Tri-Mark Performance
    1002 E Main St
    Reedsburg, WI 53959  USA

Please tell us the history of the sensor (like 100 hours in leaded fuel on dyno) and whether you think the sensor is good or bad.  Also, it must be a sensor you purchased from us, so it has the correct connector.  If you purchase the A/F Sensor Checker, it will work for any sensor.

We'll email you a report as to how it checks out.  If you want the sensor returned, include a check for $20 if you live in the lower 48 states or Canada.  If you live in Alaska or Hawaii, include $40.  If you are outside the USA, include $50.  You can also include your credit card details, or request us to send you an email bill you can pay on the website.

Click on this blue link for more details about the A/F Sensor Checker.  


3)  Engine Log Book Enhancements  Our Engine Log Book lets engine builders keep complete records of their engine builds.  You can save and modify these records, make professional printouts for your customers, do several calculations and checks on limits.  We've recently added some more enhancements to the program, including:

Program now allows for multiple inputs for Main Brg Clearance and Rod Brg Clearance.
Program now calculates the valve spring bind height clearance.
A new Find edit option has been added of "Find Spec Name (all including hidden)"
You can now Rename some specs, change their help description, change the length of the field for data entry, and any checking limits. This allows you to greatly customize the program to your exact needs.
A new Preference has been added which lets you change the way the Spring Ht calculation is performed (either with or without lash) or eliminate the check completely.
The program now lets you tell the program to 'Fix' a Spring Ht mis-match between Tappet Lift x Rocker Arm Ratio - Lash compared to Open Ht - Seated Ht.
Added a "Use Simpler (fewer) Inputs" button to the demo which eliminates about half of the input fields.

Click on this blue link for more details about the Engine Log Book.  

Click on this blue link for these recent changes Engine Log Book Readme.doc file.  

Click on this blue link for downloading a demo Engine Log Book Demo. 

Click on this blue link to watch a demo movie file about the Engine Log Book Demo working with the Compression Ratio Calculator. 


4) New Website Look  We've made some recent changes to our website.  The main page includes some pictures of our user's handiwork; cars, engines and dynos.  Click on this blue link to view the www.performancetrends.com main page. 

If you would like to see your flow bench, dyno, Jr Dragster, motorcycle, 4X4, ATV, Late Model, (you get the idea) on our main page, send us a pic and let us know what Performance Trends product helped you.  Click here to send an email, then attach your pic.


5)  More Funny Farm Entries (humor)  Sometimes you need a good laugh, especially when that "#$@&*" computer won't work.  We've added more "funnies" to our humor page, The Funny Farm.  It's got short movie clips, pictures, simple jokes and "down home wisdom" you'll enjoy.  If you got something you want to share, click here to email it to us.  Click here to visit the Funny Farm.

Redneck Tank Top
  click on image to enlarge it.


6)  More Blogging  We're continuing to do the weekly blog.   Click here to visit the Blog's main page.

Click on the following links to view some recent topics of conversation:

Better Than Perfect (how engines can make over 100% volumetric efficiency)

Buyer Beware (how to watch out for aftermarket products which make exaggerated claims)


7) Last November's Newsletter Here are the topics covered in our previous newsletter.  If you would like another copy of November 2008's newsletter for detail on these topics, visit our website at: http://www.performancetrends.com/news.htm#newsletters

  1. Performance Racing Industry (PRI) Trade Show, Dec 11-13
  2. Christmas Shopping
  3. DataMite Minis are in Stock
  4. Dave Morgan's Seminars for Drag Racing 4 Link Tuning
  5. Customer's Custom Flow Benches
  6. Recent Press Coverage
  7. Last September's Newsletter

