Performance Trends, Inc.

Producing Quality Computer Tools for Racers and Engine Builders since 1986

Re: Performance Trends Newsletter (updates)

To: Visitors to Performance Trends Website

Subject: Product News/Updates, May 2018  

  1. WISSOTTA to Tech with Quick Cam Checker
  2. Win Ron Sutton Suspension Setup Seminar Tickets
  3. July 4th Schedule
  4. Last May's Newsletter


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1)  WISSOTTA to Tech with Quick Cam Checker  We've had lots of interest in our Quick Cam Checker or QCC, especially from track tech inspectors.  Now, in the June 2018 Speedway Illustrated it is announced that WISSOTTA will be using the QCC as part of their tech inspection.  WISSOTTA is also using the 604 Crate Motor Bracket to provide even better accuracy by measuring directly on the pushrods.

Because of all the interest, we've been doing further development on the QCC to produce the best quality measurements possible.  We have learned a lot and now the system provides these new features:

Quick-Cam-Checker-Cam-Advance.gif (615442 bytes)  Click here for page 13 from User's Manual showing Cam Advance features

  for the latest User's Manual for the Quick Cam Checker.

  for more info on our Quick Cam Checker.  

  to update your Quick Cam Checker software.  This is a free update.  

  to send us an email about how you can update your existing Quick Cam Checker system and/or software.


2)  Ron Sutton's Suspension Tuning Workshops One of Performance Trend's customers, Ron Sutton, is putting on several workshops on Suspension Tuning.  He has been doing this for several years, with very good attendance and great reviews.  

A huge advantage for Performance Trends' customers is Ron will be using our Suspension Analyzer software for some demonstrations.  If you own Suspension Analyzer, you will gets lots of tips on using your software.

  for the full brochure PDF

Performance Trends has purchased 4 tickets for our guests to attend Ron's workshop in Columbus, OH July 5, the day before the GoodGuys PPG Nationals, July 6-8.  Purchase most any Performance Trends Product between now and July 3, 2018 and we can get you a ticket at no charge until the 4 tickets are gone.  Just request a ticket when purchasing.

Note:  Performance Trends is not responsible for changes to Ron's schedule or workshop.  You must arrange your own transportation and lodging.  Also, in accepting a ticket, you are allowing Performance Trends to use your name on our website and/or newsletter as someone who has won a ticket to the workshop.


3) July 4th Schedule  We're going to be "open" the week of the 4th of July holiday (except for the 4th itself), but with limited support.  It is possible we may not be able to ship something on a particular day, so plan your shipping needs accordingly.


4) Last May's Newsletter Here are the topics covered in our previous newsletter.  If you would like another copy of May 2018's newsletter (or any previous newsletter) for detail on these topics, visit our website at: Performance Trends Newsletters 

  1. New Shock Dyno v1.1 C Update Released
  2. Last April's Newsletter

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