Performance Trends, Inc.

Producing Quality Computer Tools for Racers and Engine Builders since 1986

Weather Station

DataMite Mini USB Weather Station

The DataMite Mini USB makes for a very affordable weather station for dyno weather corrections, drag race throttle stop and dial in predictions, or just a weather recorder.  It includes barometric pressure, relative humidity and air temperatures sensors, plus a recirculating fan for very fast response time.

DMM-WS  DataMite Mini USB Weather Station for Dyno Weather Corrections

The DMM-WS replaces our Black Box external weather station for older loggers which can not have the sensors installed internally.  This is a very clean installation because you only need the USB cable hookup.  It is powered completely from the USB cable.


DRP-WS  DataMite Mini USB Weather Station for Drag Race Pro

This is the system you would get for more accurate throttle stop and dial in predictions using the Drag Racing Analyzer Pro.  Again, this is a very clean installation because you only need the USB cable hookup.  It is powered completely from the USB cable.


Wind Wizard

If you want to go for the ultimate in accuracy, add the "Wind Wizard" option, of a wind speed and direction sensor.




for a list of DataMite Mini USB Weather Station Package, Accessories, and Prices with pictures.

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