for pictures and an overview of our
DataMite USB data loggers
DataMite 4 Prices
DataMite III Prices
Dynamometer Controller Prices
DataMite Mini Prices
DataMite Mini Weather Station and Other Weather Options
RPM, Speed, GPS Sensors and Accessories:
Temperature Sensors and Accessories:
Torque, Force, Pressure, Flow Sensors and Accessories:
Position, Length, Switch, Digital In/Out Sensors and Accessories:
A/F (wide band oxygen or Lambda) Sensors and Accessories:
Miscellaneous DataMite Accessories:
for various Package Prices
4 logger "box only" with 10 thermocouple channels, weather sensors and
fan, digital in/out connector, GPS connector and vehicle SD
memory card)
DataMite 4
USB Prices and Options:
to return to top
Part # |
Picture |
Description |
Sug Retail |
DT4-DS |

DataMite 4 USB Inertia Dyno System (everything
needed to measure dyno RPM and calculate corrected torque and HP vs RPM
curves). It includes:
DataMite 4 USB with
4 RPM channels and
analog channels, plus 3 potential weather channels, 10 potential
thermocouple channels, 4 digital input channels, and 2 user programmable
digital output channels.
Dyno RPM sensor, harness and magnets
Engine RPM tach input
Power supply voltage measurement
USB communications cable
50 Hz sampling rate
Basic Dyno DataMite Software
$ 899 |

DataMite III USB Drag Race System.
It includes:
DataMite 4 USB with
4 RPM channels and
analog channels, plus 3 potential weather channels, 10
potential thermocouple channels, 4 digital input channels,
and 2 user programmable digital output channels.
3 axis accelerometer
Battery power voltage measurement
Engine RPM tach input
Driveshaft RPM sensor and harness and magnets
USB communications cable
1 Gig SD memory card
Lighted Start/Stop logging switch
50 or 100 Hz sampling rate
Basic Drag Race DataMite Software
$ 899 |

DataMite III USB Road Race/Circle Track
System. It includes:
DataMite 4 USB with
4 RPM channels and
analog channels, plus 3 potential weather channels, 10
potential thermocouple channels, 4 digital input channels,
and 2 user programmable digital output channels.
3 axis accelerometer
Battery power voltage measurement
Engine RPM tach input
USB communications cable
1 Gig SD memory card
Lighted Start/Stop logging switch
GPS enabled for optional DT3-GPS
50 or 100 Hz sampling rate
Basic Road Race/Circle Track DataMite Software
$ 899 |
DT4-TC10 |

10 Internal K Thermocouple channels |
350 |
Digital Input Trans Brake cable (to trigger
vehicle Acceleration Response timer) |
80 |
Digital Input 4 Switch Breakout Cable |
55 |
Digital Input Switch Lead (to be wired by user) |
19 |
Digital Output Harness for 2 outputs, 10 ft leads |
45 |
Digital Output Relay for DT4-DOH (includes
cable/driver) rated for 20 amps, up to 220 volts, AC or DC |
50 |
Digital Output RED LED for DT4-DOH, ideal for
shift light, warning light, etc. Other colors and options available |
40 |
Mounting bracket for DT4-DOL (2 mounting holes) |
10 |
Digital Input/Output T cable, allows combining 2
digital cables to the 1 digital connector on DataMite 4 box. |
10 |
(DataMite III/DataMite 4 Pro inertia kart dyno package)
DataMite III
USB Prices and Options (some apply to DataMite 4 also):
return to top
Part # |
Picture |
Description |
Sug Retail |
DT3-DS |

DataMite III USB Inertia Dyno System (everything
needed to measure dyno RPM and calculate corrected torque and HP vs RPM
curves). It includes:
DataMite III USB with 3 RPM
channels and 8
analog channels, plus 3 potential weather channels and 4 potential
thermocouple channels.
Dyno RPM sensor, harness and magnets
Engine RPM tach input
Power supply voltage measurement
USB communications cable
50 Hz sampling rate
Basic Dyno DataMite Software
$ 699 |

DataMite III USB Drag Race System.
It includes:
DataMite III USB with 3 RPM channels and
analog channels, plus 3 potential weather channels and 4 potential
thermocouple channels.
3 axis accelerometer
Battery power voltage measurement
Engine RPM tach input
Driveshaft RPM sensor and harness and magnets
USB communications cable
1 Gig SD memory card
Lighted Start/Stop logging switch
50 or 100 Hz sampling rate
Basic Drag Race DataMite Software
$ 699 |

DataMite III USB Road Race/Circle Track
System. It includes:
DataMite III USB with 3 RPM channels and
analog channels, plus 3 potential weather channels and 4 potential
thermocouple channels.
3 axis accelerometer
Battery power voltage measurement
Engine RPM tach input
USB communications cable
1 Gig SD memory card
Lighted Start/Stop logging switch
GPS enabled for optional DT3-GPS
50 or 100 Hz sampling rate
Basic Road Race/Circle Track DataMite Software
$ 699 |
DT3-AF1 |
Single A/F Sensor (no gauge) |
259 |
DT3-TC4 |

4 Internal K Thermocouple channels (also available for DataMite 4) |
200 |
DT3-BCA3 |
2 ft 3 channel analog breakout cable |
45 |
DT3-BCA5 |
2 ft 5 channel analog breakout cable (also
available for DataMite 4) |
55 |
External fast responding GPS (global
positioning) sensor for lap timing and track mapping (also available
for DataMite 4) |
349 |
Land & Sea Torque Arm Connector Kit with
bridge resistors |
245 |
Internal Weather Station Sensor and Fan (also
available for DataMite 4) |
175 |
(DataMite Mini Basic Dyno Package DMM-IDP)
Mini USB Prices:
return to top
Part # |
Picture |
Description |
Sug Retail |

DataMite Mini Inertia Dyno Package
(everything needed to measure dyno RPM and calculate corrected torque and
HP vs RPM curves). It includes:
DataMite Mini USB with 2 RPM channels and 2
analog channels.
Dyno RPM sensor and harness and magnets
USB communications cable
Basic Dyno DataMite Software
$ 499 |

15 ft Dual thermocouple breakout cable |
35 |
2 ft dual analog breakout cable |
35 |
Internal Weather Station Sensor and Fan |
175 |
Upgrade of the standard BB2-RPML cable with
magnet RPM sensor to be able to plug in DTM-IPU Inductive Pickup (DMM-RPMC) |
30 |
Mini Weather Station and Other Weather Options:
return to top
Part # |
Picture |
Description |
Sug Retail |

DataMite Mini USB Weather Station Package
(everything needed to measure weather and make calculated changes to your engine). It includes:
Datamite Mini USB Weather Station
USB communications cable
Weather Wiz Weather Station Software
$ 350 |

Optional Drag Race Analyzer Pro Software |
$ 229 |
Optional Drag Race Analyzer Pro Team Engineer Software |
$ 329 |
Internal Weather Station Sensor and Fan for
DataMite III and DataMite 4 |
175 |
Internal Weather Station Sensor and Fan for USB
Mini |
175 |
RPM, Speed, GPS Sensors
and Accessories:
return to top
Part # |
Picture |
Description |
Sug Retail |
Dyno RPM Sensor and cable, 18 ft |
79 |
Inductive Pickup Harness, 18 ft |
65 |
Combination BB2-RPML and BB2-IPUH with 1 6 pin connector designed for
DataMite Mini USB (much cheaper than both cables separately with breakout
harness) |
95 |
2 Std magnets (.7" dia x .2" thick, better for high
temperatures) |
3 |
2 Small, rare earth magnets (.25" dia x .13"
thick, nickel plated) |
5 |

Inductive pickup signal conditioning for spark plug wire pickup |
59 |
Low Voltage 'inductive pickup' w harness. Needs
BB2-IPUH but does not require DTM-IPU. |
139 |
High temp aluminum RPM sensor. |
45 |
Inductive Pickup Clamp provides an convenient way to attach
inductive pickup to spark plug wire and signal enhancement over simple
DTM-IPUCW. Still requires the DTM-IPU to work. |
55 |
Mini (smaller size), metal Inductive Pickup Clamp provides an convenient way to attach
inductive pickup to spark plug wire and signal enhancement over simple
DTM-IPUCW. Still requires the DTM-IPU to work. |
75 |
6 ft lead with 4 pin connector to replace Inductive Pickup
Box and attach directly to a Tach or Spark output signal from electronic
ignition. It comes with a ground clip to ground the engine to the
DataMite system and computer. Still requires the inductive pickup
harness BB2-IPUH to plug into. Note: Because this grounds the
vehicle to DataMite and PC, it could damage the DataMite or PC is some
type of "over-voltage" condition happens on the vehicle. |
39 |
18 ft lead with 6 pin connector to attach directly to a Tach
or Spark output signal from electronic ignition and plug into 6 pin RPM
connector on DataMite III or 4. It comes with a ground clip to
ground the engine to the DataMite system and computer. Note:
Because this grounds the vehicle to DataMite and PC, it could damage the
DataMite or PC is some type of "over-voltage" condition happens
on the vehicle. |
59 |
Inductive Pickup Clip for "purple wire" provides
simple way to clip wire to plug wire. Easily removed if you need to
place wire by coil-on-plug or wrap purple wire. |
5 |
4 "Magnet head" plastic bolts (1/4 20 x 1" bolts) |
40 |
Stuska (tm) Dyno RPM Adapter with active sensor DT2-ARL added to
harness. This mounts between dyno and mechanical tachometer cable.
For smaller Stuska dynos with 1.2" spacing between bolt
for cover plate option. This disables your mechanical tach, but provides
for easier installation of adapter. Part number DTM-SRPM2C for $20 less.
345 |
Stuska (tm) Dyno RPM Adapter with active sensor DT2-ARL added to
harness. This mounts between dyno and mechanical tachometer cable.
For larger Stuska dynos with 1.8" spacing between bolt
for $20 cheaper cover plate option. This disables your mechanical tach, but
provides for easier installation of adapter. Part number DTM-SRPM8C
for $20 less.
355 |
Active RPM sensor with internal magnet (triggers on large, ferrous
metal targets) and 15 ft extension lead with Molex Connector (plugs into
DT2-RBC). Generally more stable in high vibration installation. |
125 |
Active RPM sensor (which triggers on South pole only of magnet
targets) and 15 ft extension lead with Molex Connector (plugs into
DT2-RBC). Generally more stable in high vibration installation. |
125 |
Reflective Optical RPM Sensor. Triggers on
reflective tape target about 1/2 inch in diameter, from distances up to
30" away. Has alignment beam and signal indicator LED. |
259 |
Land & Sea RPM Adapter, lets our DataMite loggers read
the standard Land & Sea RPM Sensor. Using this adapter you can
continue to use the RPM sensor already installed on your Land & Sea
dyno. |
95 |
SuperFlow RPM Adapter and signal conditioner, lets our DataMite loggers read
the standard SuperFlow RPM Sensor. Using this adapter you can
continue to use the RPM sensor already installed on your SuperFlow dyno.
It turns your 60 pulse/rev SuperFlow signal into a 3 pulse/rev signal for
our DataMite. |
249 |
Reflective Optical RPM Sensor. If
triggering on black/white target it must be within 0.1". If
triggering on a tab target, it can be up to .75" away from
target. Click "Click Here" for picture. NOTE:
This sensor runs on 5 volt power and may require special, extra cost
cabling depending on which connectors are available on your DataMite
III or DataMite 4. |
69 |
Slotted Optical RPM Sensor and Cable. This
sensor is commonly used on RC (radio controlled) engine inertia dynos. |
75 and 35 |
Magneto signal conditioning box, hooks to kill
switch of magneto. Must be wired in by customer. |
99 |
Magneto signal conditioning box, hooks to kill switch of magneto. Includes
cabling to plug into standard DataMite loggers and cabling. |
175 |
DT4-OT |
Hand held optical tachometer with display.
Works great for checking RPM signals reported by DataMite loggers.
Reads reflective tape placed on spinning component, but does not connect
to a logger or log data itself. |
30 |
External fast responding GPS (global
positioning) sensor for lap timing and track mapping (also available
for DataMite 4) |
349 |
Temperature Sensors and Accessories:
return to top
Part # |
Picture |
Description |
Sug Retail |
DT3-TC4 |

4 Internal K Thermocouple channels (also available for DataMite 4) |
200 |
DT4-TC10 |

10 Internal K Thermocouple channels |
350 |
K Thermocouple for air temp with 16 ft lead |
39 |
K Thermocouple for 10mm spark plug w 6 ft lead |
78 |
K Thermocouple for 12mm spark plug w 6 ft lead |
78 |
K Thermocouple for 14mm spark plug w 4 ft lead |
59 |
DTM-C4K18 |
K Thermocouple for 14mm spark plug w 18 ft lead |
79 |
K Thermocouple 6 ft extension cable |
35 |
K Thermocouple custom length extension (over 10 ft $45, over 20 ft,
$55) |
35 |
1/8" FPT Thermocouple weld-able boss |
2.70 |
1/8" FPT Thermocouple heavy duty weld-able boss |
3.50 |
Thermocouple 1/8" steel exhaust compression
fitting |
7.90 |
Thermocouple 1/8" weld-able boss plug |
2.00 |
Thermocouple 1/8" fluid compression
fitting (neoprene O rings) |
7.90 |
Hose Clamp Style Exhaust Thermocouple Mounting Kit |
12 |
K Exhaust Thermocouple (E for exposed tip, fast response) 3"
probe, 4 ft lead |
70 |
K Exhaust Thermocouple (E for exposed tip, fast response) 3"
probe, 10 ft lead |
80 |
K Exhaust Thermocouple (E for exposed tip, fast response) 3"
probe, 18 ft lead |
85 |
K Exhaust Thermocouple (S for sheathed tip, fluid temps) 3" probe,
4 ft lead |
70 |
K Exhaust Thermocouple (S for sheathed tip, fluid temps) 3" probe,
10 ft lead |
80 |
K Exhaust Thermocouple (S for sheathed tip, fluid temps) 3" probe,
18 ft lead |
85 |

Replacement 150-230 deg fluid temp sensor (special cable required for
original installation) |
30 |
Infra Red (non contract), std response (2 Hz), analog 0-5
volt tire temperature sensor.
Spot size is 40% of distance from target (for example, at 5" from tire,
spot is 2" in diameter) |
195 |
Infra Red (non contract), fast responding (10+ Hz), analog 0-5
volt tire temperature sensor. Spot size is 40% of distance from target
(for example, at 5" from tire, spot is 2" in diameter) |
225 |
3 channel Infra Red (non contract) tire temperature sensor,
used primarily for tire temperatures. 3 temperatures can be measured
via just one 0-5 volt analog channel.
for more info DISCONTINUED |
345 |
DT2-TC4 |
4 channel K thermocouple amplifier and recorder w power
input connector and serial output connector. Other leads are covered
with shrink tubing to prevent shorting.
for price of typical K thermocouples, DT2-K3. |
399 |
BB2-2KC |
Black Box Dual K Thermocouple
Converter |
190 |

15 ft Dual thermocouple breakout cable |
35 |
DT3-TCE5 |
5 ft thermocouple extension cable for DTM-III
and DTM-4 |
165 |
DT3-TCE10 |
10 ft thermocouple extension cable for DTM-III
and DTM-4 |
180 |
DT3-TCE15 |
15 ft thermocouple extension cable for DTM-III
and DTM-4 |
195 |
DT3-TCE30 |
30 ft thermocouple extension cable for DTM-III
and DTM-4 |
215 |
Torque, Force,
Pressure, Flow Sensors and Accessories:
return to top
Part # |
Picture |
Description |
Sug Retail |
External Load Cell Amplifier |
175 |
DT2-LDC2 |
"S" Beam Load Cell for measuring force,
typically for dynamometer torque, 250 lbs force. Lower
ranges also available. |
425 |
DT2-LDCx |
"S" Beam Load Cell for measuring force,
typically for dynamometer torque, 500, 1000 lbs force. |
465 |
DT2-LDCx |
"S" Beam Load Cell for measuring force,
typically for dynamometer torque, 2000 lbs, 3000 lbs force. |
645 |
DT2-LDC5 |
"S" Beam Load Cell for measuring force,
typically for dynamometer torque, 5000 lbs force. Higher
ranges also available. |
695 |
Land & Sea Torque Arm Connector Kit for Small
Arm (requires DTM-ILCA amp) |
245 |
Land & Sea Torque Arm Connector Kit for Big
Arm (requires DTM-ILCA amp) |
295 |
Stuska (tm) Dyno Quick Connects for torque pressure sensor |
70 |
DTMPxxx |
Higher accuracy stainless steel pressure sensor (ranges include 30, 50,
75,100, 200, 300, 500, 1000, 2000, 3000, and 5000 PSI). Specify range
with xxx in 10s of PSI, for example, DTMP005 is 50 PSI. For pressures of
1000 psi or more, like 1000 PSI, use 1M for xxx). |
190 |
DT4-DP0.3 |
-0.3 to 0.3 differential pressure sensor with 2 ports (other
ranges available of +/- 1.0 and +/- 3.6 psi) |
145 |
DT2-VACP Vacuum/Boost Sensor, one port vacuum, the other
boost or pressure 36 psi (other ranges higher and lower available) |
120 |
DT2-VACx |
Vacuum and Boost pressure sensor, which will
measure from 14.7 psi vacuum (30" Hg vacuum) up to X psi of boost
pressure, where X can be 3 (30 psi), 4 (45 psi) or 6 (60 psi). This
sensor is ideal for measuring intake manifold vacuum and/or boost pressure
from supercharging or turbocharging. |
190 |
Mass Air Flow Sensor (large) up to 800 CFM,
4" diameter, low restriction with 0-5 volt output |
500 |
DT4-AFP6 |
6" Air Flow Sensor via Averaging Pitot Tube,
good for up to 3600 CFM. 2700 and 1700 ranges also available. This sensor offers a more compact package
for large CFM flow than the DT4-MAFL listed above. (Note: You
can purchase an extra sensor for $120 or $150 and switch to a different
range.) |
465 |
DT4-AFP4 |
4" Air Flow Sensor via Averaging Pitot Tube,
good for up to 1600 CFM. 1200 and 700 ranges also available. This sensor offers a more compact package
for large CFM flow than the DT4-MAFL listed above. (Note: You
can purchase an extra sensor for $120 or $150 and switch to a different range.) |
425 |
1500 HP (on gasoline) Fuel Flow sensor with RPM
output, 1/2" female NPT in and out |
999 |
2500 HP (on gasoline) Fuel Flow sensor with RPM
output, 1/2"
female NPT in and out |
999 |
4000 HP (on gasoline) Fuel Flow sensor with RPM
output, 1/2"
female NPT in and out |
999 |
DT3-FS231 |
500 HP (on gasoline) Fuel Flow sensor with RPM
output |
690 |
DT3-FS20BA |
150 HP (on gasoline) Fuel Flow sensor with RPM
output. |
690 |
Kart Fuel Flow 2.5-18 HP Gas Sensor, RPM output |
1099 |
DT3-FFK4 |
Kart Fuel Flow 3.6-36 HP Gas Sensor, RPM output |
1099 |
DT3-FFK5 |
Kart Fuel Flow 9-90 HP Gas Sensor, RPM output |
1099 |
Signal Conditioner for Racepak (tm) Fuel Sensor
and 15 ft cable and proper connectors, which lets our DataMite loggers
read Racepak fuel flow sensors |
250 |
DT3-SFA9 |
9" Air Flow Turbine fitted into
"velocity stack" for mounting on 4 BBL carb, RPM output |
980 |
9" Air Flow Turbine fitted into
"velocity stack" for mounting on 4 BBL carb with adapters for
different carb sizes, RPM output |
1250 |
DT3-BLB6 |
6 CFM Blowby Sensor (other ranges available 0.3, 1, 3,
12 and 18 CFM) 0-5 volt output |
649 |
Length, Switch, Digital In/Out Sensors and Accessories:
return to top
Part # |
Picture |
Description |
Sug Retail |
DTM-L1 |
1.5" Spring loaded linear displacement sensor |
85 |
DTM-Lxx |
Linear displacement sensor (Ranges include 4, 5, 6 , 8 and 10 inches
movement. Specify ranges with xx, for example DTM-L04 is a 4 inch
sensor.) NOTE: Sensor costs increase with length of sensor. 6"
and 8"
is $325 and 10" is $480 |
345 (6", 8") |
DT2-SL8 |
Protective sleeve for 8" travel sensor (sleeves for
other length sensors also available) |
80 |
Replacement rod end |
39 |
Universal shock travel sensor mounting kit |
28 |
2.8" and 10" Cable Potentiometer (string pot) |
359 |
Position (on/off) switch with 10 ft lead |
35 |

Steering sensor to measure steering wheel angle movement |
119 |
Digital Input Trans Brake cable (to trigger
vehicle Acceleration Response timer) |
55 |
Digital Input 4 Switch Breakout Cable |
55 |
Digital Input Switch Lead (to be wired by user) |
19 |
Digital Output Harness for 2 outputs, 10 ft leads |
45 |
Digital Output Relay for DT4-DOH (includes
cable/driver) rated for 20 amps, up to 220 volts, AC or DC |
50 |
Hand held On/Off Recording Switch, lets you start and stop
recording on Dyno system away from the keyboard. Good for chassis
dynos, where driver may need to start/stop recording. |
65 |
On/Off Recording Foot Switch, lets you start and stop
recording on Dyno system if you need an extra "hand". |
65 |
Lighted, toggle, recording switch for vehicle DataMite III
and DataMite 4 logging systems. |
55 |
Large .8" Digital Output Red LED for DT4-DOH, ideal for
shift light, warning light, etc. Other colors and options available.
Fits .7" panel hole. |
40 |
Mounting bracket for DT4-DOL (2 mounting holes) |
10 |
Digital Input/Output T cable, allows combining 2
digital cables to the 1 digital connector on DataMite 4 box. |
10 |
A/F (wide band oxygen or Lambda)
Sensors and Accessories:
return to top
Part # |
Picture |
Description |
Sug Retail |
DT3-AF1 |
Single A/F Sensor (no gauge) |
259 |
DT3-AF1P |
Single A/F Sensor (no gauge) with 110 or 220 VAC
power supply and US, Aussie, European, or UK plug |
299 |
Single Wide Band UEGO A/F sensor and controller gauge. |
299 |
Single Wide Band UEGO A/F sensor and controller gauge, with
110 or 220 VAC power supply and US, Aussie, European, or UK plug. |
349 |
Replacement Bosch Sensor for DT2-AFx,DT2-AFG, DT3-AF1, and
DT3-AF4 UEGO systems with earlier, square connector.
Click on blue button for a picture. |
99 |
Replacement Bosch Sensor for DT2-AFx,DT2-AFG,
DT3-AF1, and DT3-AF4 UEGO systems with later, rounded
connector. Click on blue button for a picture. |
135 |
Remote sampling system for single DT3-AF1P or DT2-AFGP, requires 110 VAC
power. 220
VAC option available. |
459 |
DT2-AFR2 |
Dual remote sampling system for two DT3-AF1P or DT2-AFGP, requires 110 VAC power. 220
VAC option available. |
599 |
'Exhaust Pipe' clamp which attach to probe(s) of DT2-AFR
remote sampling system to easily, quickly clamp probe to exhaust pipe. |
65 |
A/F Remote 220 V Option with Aussie, European, or UK plug |
40 |
A/F Remote Oil Trap Option |
60 |
Mini remote sampling system for DT2-AF1P or DT2-AFGP.
Powered by 12 volts DC, which can be plugged into power supply w DT2-AF1P
or DT2-AFGP. |
339 |
Mini remote sampling system Switch Harness plugs into power
connector and provides leads for On/Off switch. |
12 |
Exact replacement weldable boss fitting (with shoulder) for
DT2-AFS A/F Oxygen sensor |
6 |
Exact replacement cap for weldable boss fitting DT2-AFSB above |
9 |
Oxygen sensor threaded boss fitting to weld to exhaust pipe |
3.50 |
Allen head plug for Oxygen Sensor weld-able boss |
2.50 |
Oxygen sensor threaded boss fitting to weld to exhaust pipe, extended
and finned to keep sensor cool and out of flow to keep exhaust free
flowing |
18 |
A/F Sensor (UEGO) Calibration Checker. |
849 |
DataMite power lead from A/F power supply, to commonize grounds between
A/F system and DataMite for accurate A/F data |
35 |
Miscellaneous DataMite
return to top
Part # |
Picture |
Description |
Sug Retail |
DT4-OBD2 |
Dyno DataMite OBD2 Link, requires Enterprise
Edition of Dyno DataMite software |
59 |
Large .8" Digital Output Red LED for DT4-DOH, ideal for
shift light, warning light, etc. Other colors and options available.
Fits .7" panel hole. |
40 |
Mounting bracket for DT4-DOL (2 mounting holes) |
10 |
DT3-BCA3 |
2 ft 3 channel analog breakout cable |
55 |
DT3-BCA5 |
2 ft 5 channel analog breakout cable (also
available for DataMite 4) |
65 |
Std 10 ft Lead wire with proper connector to plug 0-5 volt analog
signal into 4 pin connector on DataMite harness DataMite box. Sensor to be wired by user, schematic included. |
25 |
DTM-LD15 |
Std 15 ft version of DTM-LD above. |
30 |
DT2-AE5 |
5 ft analog extension cable with 4 pin connectors on each
end, 1 male and 1 female |
28 |
DT2-AE10 |
10 ft analog extension cable with 4 pin connectors on each
end, 1 male and 1 female |
30 |
DT2-AE15 |
15 ft analog extension cable with 4 pin connectors on each
end, 1 male and 1 female |
35 |
DT2-AE20 |
20 ft analog extension cable with 4 pin connectors on each
end, 1 male and 1 female |
38 |
DT2-RE15 |
15 ft RPM extension cable with 6 pin connectors on each end,
1 male and 1 female |
32 |
DT2-RE25 |
25 ft RPM extension cable with 6 pin connectors on each end,
1 male and 1 female |
39 |
Std 10 ft Lead wire with proper connector to plug RPM
signal into 6 pin connector on DataMite harness DataMite box. Sensor to be wired by user, schematic included. |
27 |
Std 15 ft Lead wire with proper connector to plug RPM
signal into 6 pin connector on DataMite harness DataMite box. Sensor to be wired by user, schematic included. |
32 |
USB to Serial Port Adapter. Adapts a computer's USB port to Serial
(COM) so the computer can read the DataMite's serial data. |
39 |
110V AC to 12 VDC (unregulated) power supply (barrel connector). |
15 |
110VAC/220 VAC regulated 12 VDC power supply (barrel connector) UPGRADE
from DTM-PS with 4 different plugs for different countries. |
24 |
DT3-OI |
DataMite (4/III/Mini) USB Optical Isolator 4000 v max |
175 |
Rechargable battery pack with recharger (approx 6 hours of recording
time). |
45 |
DTM-205 |
10 ft lead with 0-20 volt to 0-5 volt converter (other voltage ranges
available) |
35 |
and Actuators:
return to top
Part # |
Picture |
Description |
Sug Retail |
DT4-EC |
DataMite Eddy Current 200 HP control |
1099 |
DT4-EC2 |
DataMite Eddy Current 220 VAC Option |
175 |
DataMite Water Brake control |
1599 |
SF Water Brake Actuator Mod, Generation 2 |
699 |
Electronic Throttle control |
1299 |
Electronic Throttle control, clevis end |
35 |
Electronic Throttle control, ball joint end |
35 |
Mechanical Throttle control cable kit |
480 |
Mechanical Throttle control cable extension |
190 |
Many of the standard DataMite sensors are compatible with the
DataMite II, Black Box II, and DataMite USB III or Mini. The price may be slightly
different when used on different loggers. Lead lengths are typically 15-18 ft
long. If you need special length leads, we can customize the lengths for a
nominal charge.
Data loggers have a limited 1 year warranty.
Package Prices
return to top
Mini USB Basic Inertia Dyno Package (typically
for small engines)
for picture)
Qty Part #
Each Price
1 DMM-IDP DataMite Mini USB
Inertia Dyno Package 499 499
Total before
This system will let you measure the inertia wheel
(flywheel) RPM and calculate the engine RPM from the gear ratio you enter into
the software. It can do torque and HP curves vs RPM.
Mini USB Professional Inertia Dyno Package (typically
for small engines)
for picture)
Qty Part #
Each Price
1 DMM-IDP DataMite Mini USB
Inertia Dyno Package 499 499
1 DTM-IPU Inductive Pickup Signal
Conditioning 59 59
1 DMMIPUHU Inductive Pickup Harness
Upgrade 30
1 DTM-Pro Pro version of Dyno
100 100
1 DMM-BCT 15 ft Dual thermocouple breakout
cable 35 35
1 BB2-2KC Black Box Dual K Thermocouple Converter
190 190
1 DTM-EKE Exhaust K
Thermocouple (4 ft lead) 59
1 DTM-EKC Hose Clamp EGT Mounting Kit
12 12
1 DTM-C4K 14 mm cylinder head
thermocouple 59
1 DMM-IWS Internal weather sensors and
fan 175 175
Total before
Note: This Mini DataMite system is "maxed out". No future expansion
for additional channels (sensors) is possible. If you are considering this
system, a DataMite III will cost about $200 more, but will have LOTS more
channels for future expansion.
III USB Professional Inertia Dyno Package (typically for small engines)
for picture)
Qty Part #
Each Price
1 DT3-IDP DataMite III USB
Inertia Dyno Package 699 699
1 BB2-IPUH Inductive Pickup
65 65
1 DTM-IPU Inductive Pickup Signal
Conditioning 59 59
1 DT3-TC4 4 Internal Thermocouples
200 200
1 DT3-IWS Internal weather sensors and
fan 175 175
1 DTM-AK Air Temp Thermocouple (for
weather) 35 35
1 DTM-Pro Pro version of Dyno
100 100
1 DTM-EKE18 18 ft Exhaust K
Thermocouple (EGT) 85
1 DTM-EKC Hose Clamp EGT Mounting
12 12
1 DTM-C4K18 18 ft 14 mm cylinder head thermocouple 79
Total before
$ 1509
Note: This system has 8 additional analog input channels (which could be
pressures, force (torque), or more temperatures via thermocouple converters), 1 unused thermocouple channels, and 1
unused RPM channel for future expansion.
III USB Professional Water Brake Dyno Package (for typical V-8 engines)
for picture)
Qty Part #
Each Price
1 DT3-IDP DataMite 3 USB
Inertia Dyno Package 699 699
1 DT4-TC4 4 Internal Thermocouple Channels
200 200
1 DT3-IWS Internal weather sensors and
fan 175 175
1 DTM-AK Air inlet temp
thermocouple 35
1 DTM-Pro Pro version of Dyno
100 100
2 DTM-EKE18 18 ft Exhaust K
85 170
2 DTM-EKF Exhaust 1/8 male NPT steel fitting
8 16
2 DTM-EKB Exhaust female weld in
3 6
1 DTM-EKS18 18 ft Sheathed fluid temp thermocouple
85 85
1 DTM-EKFF Fluid 1/8 male NPT steel
fitting 8
1 DTMP015 150 PSI torque pressure
sensor 199
1 DTMP010 100 PSI oil pressure
199 199
1 DT3BCA5 5 channel analog breakout
cable 65
Total before
shipping $
Note: This system measures torque via a pressure sensor, RPM via a
magnetic sensor, 2 exhaust temperatures, one water temperature, one oil pressure, and automatic weather corrections. A
pressure sensor can only be used to measure torque if you are currently using a
hydraulic load cell (cylinder) and pressure gauge to measure torque. You
can substitute a load cell and amplifier instead of the pressure sensor for
about $400 more than the quote above.
AND, you still have:
6 0-5 volt analog channels (which
can be converted to thermocouple temperature channels if needed)
2 RPM channels
for future expansion.
4 USB Professional Water Brake Dyno Package (for typical V-8 engines)
for picture)
Qty Part #
Each Price
1 DT4-IDP DataMite 4 USB
Inertia Dyno Package 899 899
1 DT4-TC10 10 Internal Thermocouple Channels
350 350
1 DT3-IWS Internal weather sensors and
fan 175 175
1 DTM-Pro Pro version of Dyno
100 100
8 DTM-EKE Exhaust K
80 640
8 DTM-EKF Exhaust 1/8 male NPT steel fitting
8 64
8 DTM-EKB Exhaust female weld in
3 24
2 DTM-EKS Sheathed fluid temp thermocouple
80 160
2 DTM-EKFF Fluid 1/8 male NPT steel
fitting 8
1 DT2-LD1K 1000 lb Made in USA Load
Cell 435
1 DTM-AMP Load Cell
175 175
1 DTMP015 30 PSI Vacuum/Boost pressure
sensor 190 190
1 DTMP010 100 PSI oil pressure
190 190
1 DT3-AF1P A/F Sensor w 110 v power
supply 289
1 DT3-AF1P A/F Sensor (can share 110 v power supply) 249
1 DT3-PLAF Harness to commonize all PS
grounds 20 20
1 DT3BCA5 5 channel analog breakout
cable 55
Total before
shipping $
Note: This system measures torque via a 1000 lb load cell and amp (other
ranges available), RPM via a
magnetic sensor, 8 exhaust temperatures, one water temperature, one oil
temperature, one oil pressure, one vacuum/boost pressure sensor, 2 A/F sensors
with one 110 vac power supply, and automatic weather corrections.
AND, you still have:
7 0-5 volt analog channels
3 RPM channels
4 digital on/off channels
2 digital output channels (to turn on lights, relays, etc.)
for future expansion.
DataMite III USB
"Sportsman" Drag
Racing Package
for picture)
Qty Part # Description
Each Price
1 DT3-DRS DataMite III USB Drag Racing
System 699 699
(includes engine and driveshaft RPM,
battery voltage, 3 axis accelerometer,
on/off recording switch, 1 gig memory
card, USB cable, basic Drag Race software)
1 DT3-TC4 4 Internal K Thermocouple
channels 200 200
2 DTM-EKE10 Exhaust K
Thermocouple, 1/8" 10 ft
80 160
2 DTM-EKS10 Sheathed K Thermocouple, 10 ft for fluids 80 160
1 DT3-IWS Internal weather sensors and
fan 175
1 Disc Package
-295 -295
Total before
You still have 8 0-5 volt analog channels and 1 RPM
channel for future expansion.
"Sportsman Plus" Drag
Racing Package
for picture)
Our Best Drag Racing Value!
Qty Part #
Each Price
1 DT4-DRS DataMite 4 USB Drag Racing
System 899 899
(includes engine and driveshaft RPM,
voltage, 3 axis accelerometer,
recording switch, 1 gig memory
USB cable, basic Drag Race software)
1 DT4-TC10 10 Internal K Thermocouple
channels 350 350
8 DTM-EKE10 Exh K
Thermocouple, 1/8" 10 ft
80 640
1 DT3-IWS Internal weather sensors and
fan 175
1 Disc Package
-465 -465
Total before
shipping $1599
AND, you still have:
12 0-5 volt analog channels
2 thermocouple channels
2 RPM channels
4 digital on/off channels
III USB Road Racing/Circle Track Starter Package
for picture)
Qty PN
Each Price
1 DT3-RRS DataMite III USB Road Race/Circle Track
System 699 699
engine and driveshaft or wheel RPM,
voltage, 3 axis accelerometer, on/off
switch, 1 gig memory card, USB cable,
basic Road
Race/Circle Track software)
1 DT3-GPS External fast responding GPS (global
positioning) 349 349
sensor for
lap timing and track mapping
1 Disc Package
-100 -100
Total before
4 USB Road Racing/Circle
Track "Suspension Tuner" Package
for picture)
Qty Part #
Each Price
1 DT4-RRS DataMite 4 USB Road Race/Circle Track
System 899
engine and driveshaft or wheel RPM,
voltage, 3 axis accelerometer, on/off
switch, 1 gig memory card, USB cable,
basic Road
Race/Circle Track software)
1 DT3-PRR Pro version of Road Race/Circle Track
100 100
1 DT3-GPS External fast responding GPS (global
positioning) 349 349
sensor for
lap timing and track mapping
5 DTM-L08 Linear sensor for shock absorber and steering
motion 325 1625
5 DT2-SHM Universal shock travel sensor mounting
28 140
1 DTM-SP2 2.8" Cable Potentiometer for throttle
200 200
1 DTMP1M 1000 PSI brake pressure
180 180
2 DT3BCA5 5 channel analog breakout
55 110
1 SAF20DL Suspension Analyzer Full Vehicle w Data Logger
features 599 599
1 Disc Package
-403 -403
Total before
AND, you still have:
5 0-5 volt analog channels
10 potential thermocouple channels
2 potential weather channels
2 RPM channels
4 digital on/off channels
DataMite III "Suspension Tuner" package
also available at slightly reduced cost.
4 USB Road Racing/Circle
Track "Team Engineer" Package
picture of system, less IR Temp Sensors.
for picture of IR Temp Sensors )
Qty Part # Description
Each Price
1 DT4-RRS DataMite 4 USB Road Race/Circle Track
System 899
engine and driveshaft or wheel RPM,
voltage, 3 axis accelerometer, on/off
switch, 1 gig memory card, USB cable,
basic Road
Race/Circle Track software)
1 DT3-PRR Pro version of Road Race/Circle Track
100 100
1 DT3-GPS External fast responding GPS (global
positioning) 349 349
sensor for
lap timing and track mapping
5 DTM-L08 Linear sensor for shock absorber and steering
motion 325 1625
5 DT2-SHM Universal shock travel sensor mounting
28 140
1 DTM-SP2 2.8" Cable Potentiometer for throttle
200 200
1 DTMP1M 1000 PSI brake pressure
180 180
2 DT3BCA5 5 channel analog breakout
55 110
2 DT4BCA2R 1 analog/2 RPM channel breakout
47 47
4 DT4-IR3 3 position IR Tire Temp
Sensor 345 1380
1 SAF20DL Suspension Analyzer Full Vehicle w Data Logger
features 599 599
1 Disc Package
-430 -430
Total before
AND, you still have:
1 0-5 volt analog channels
10 potential thermocouple channels
2 potential weather channels
2 RPM channels
4 digital on/off channels
Systems can be completely customized with any
combination of options. Pressure sensors are high quality stainless steel
and all the same price with ranges from 30 to 10,000 PSI. Less expensive
pressure sensors are available.
Typical lead lengths are 15-18 ft. If you
need longer or shorter lead lengths, please let us know and we'll customize your
lengths at a nominal charge.