[Company Logo Image]     Performance Trends Inc

    Producing Quality Computer Tools for Racers and Engine Builders since 1986






Re: Performance Trends Newsletter (updates)

To: Visitors to Performance Trends Website

Subject: Product News/Updates, August 2008

  1. New Produce Released, Weather Wiz v1.1
  2. Dyno DataMite v3.7 Update Coming
  3. Check out our Weekly Blog
  4. Looking for Pics of your Car for our Website
  5. Recent Media Coverage
  6. Last June's Newsletter


1)  New Produce Released, Weather Wiz v1.1   We've released a new program, our Weather Wiz.  It lets you do all those weather calculations, and make jet predictions.

Unlike most programs, you don't have to use the same types of inputs for the comparison.  For example, your baseline condition may use a barometer instrument, and your comparison may use an altimeter.  Or your baseline condition may use wet and dry bulb temperature for humidity, but a dew point reading for your comparison conditions.

It also lets you specify the air temperature at the engine (which is the critical temperature) different than where the humidity was measured.  For example, your relative humidity instrument (or wet and dry bulb instrument) may be in your trailer or dyno control room.  However, the air going to the engine may be considerably warmer.  This definitely has an effect on engine performance and carb jetting.

Click on this link for more details, or to order for $49.95:  http://www.performancetrends.com/Weather_Wiz_Weather_Station_Software.htm


2)  Dyno DataMite v3.7 Update Coming  We hoped to be able to release our new Dyno DataMite v3.7 for this newsletter, but we keep adding features.

Some of its new features include:

Full compatibility with our new DataMite III USB and DataMite Mini USB
Full metric units
Allow for comparing the previous run with the current run on the main screen.  This makes for quick checks to ensure your dyno runs are repeating as they should.
One click backup and restore features
Emailing features
New troubleshooting features
Allow for making vehicle performance estimates based on measured power curves.
Automated coastdown tests for determining inertia dyno inertia Friction Losses.
Allow for correcting for engine and dyno inertia effects for water brake dynos
Many more.

At this time, we've got nothing for you to read.  By next newsletter, this major update should be released.

Click here for info on our current Dyno DataMite v3.2 software:  http://performancetrends.com/dtm-dyno.htm


3)  Check out our Weekly Blog  You've probably heard of them, and now we're doing it also.  It's a blog page on our site, where we post a discussion on a topic, and you are free to read it and comment on it.  We're not exactly sure how this will progress, but we're going to try it.  Latest couple of topics we've discussed are "Torque vs HP" (which is more important), "Something for Nothing" (reducing http://performancetrends.com/Definitions/Engine-Friction.htm), and some Cam and Valve Train issues.

Click on this link for the blog:  http://performancetrends.com/blog/     Or, go to our website, click on the News menu item on the right side, then select Blog.


4)  Looking for Pics of your Car for our Website  We mentioned this in our last newsletter and did got some pics.  Thanks to those who sent them in.  For those of you who didn't see the last newsletter, we're going to be redesigning the home page of our website soon.  We're looking for pics of our customer's cars to include on it.  Include any info on your car or yourself (car has won any races, points, etc.) and how you use our products.  We're not sure how we will use everything yet, but we will know better based on your response.

Click on this link to send an email, type in any info, and attach any picture files:  mailto:sales@performancetrends.com


5)  Recent Media Coverage  NHRA's National Dragster, August 22, 2008, page 48 had a New Product review of our "Fuel-economy Calculator" for estimating how engine and vehicle mods, or driving style changes will improve your MPG.


6) Last June's Newsletter  Here are the topics covered in our previous newsletter.  If you would like another copy of June 2008's newsletter for detail on these topics, visit our website at: http://www.performancetrends.com/news.htm#newsletters

  1. Preliminary Cam Analyzer v3.8 Released
  2. We've Started a Blog Site
  3. Looking for Pics of your Car for our Website
  4. Recent Media Coverage
  5. Last April's Newsletter

