Performance Trends, Inc.

Producing Quality Computer Tools for Racers and Engine Builders since 1986

Re: Performance Trends Newsletter (updates)

To: Visitors to Performance Trends Website

Subject: Product News/Updates, March 2022

  1. Featured Products:  Roll Center Calculator v4.0, Circle Track Analyzer v4.0
  2. Re-zeroing Blowby Sensor in Dyno DataMite
  3. Last January's Newsletter


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1)  Circle Track Analyzer/Roll Center Calculator v4.0  About 1 year ago, we released major updates to our Roll Center Calculator and Circle Track Analyzer line of programs.  Our popular Roll Center Calculators are the same program as Circle Track Analyzer, just with some major features disabled (hidden).  In addition to new features, we developed a Circle Track Analyzer Plus, with several even more advanced features.  So now there are 4 versions:

The main, new features present in all programs (Roll Center and Circle Track) include:

New Force Based Roll Center picture from User Manual


More Detailed Roll Bar Calculator picture from User Manual
  click image to enlarge   


Bump Springs picture from User Manual
  click image to enlarge


The full Circle Track Analyzer v4.0 has these new features

The Circle Track Analyzer v4.0 Plus has these new features:

                LF Tire Force             RF Tire Force
                LR Tire Force             RR Tire Force
                Total Tire Force         LF Bump at Tire
                RF Bump at Tire         LR Bump at Tire
                RR Bump at Tire         LF Spring Force
                RF Spring Force          LR Spring Force
                RR Spring Force          LF Shock Force
                RF Shock Force          LR Shock Force
                RR Shock Force          LF Shock Vel
                RF Shock Vel              LR Shock Vel
                RR Shock Vel              LF Ride Ht
                RF Ride Ht                 F Aero Downforce
                R Aero Downforce      Change CG Ht
                L Bump Force             R Bump Force

Detailed Shock Dyno Data picture from User Manual
  click image to enlarge   


More Calculated Data Results and Writing ASCII files picture from User Manual
  click image to enlarge   



for info on our new Roll Center Calculator standard and Plus v4.0.

for info on our new Circle Track Analyzer standard and Plus v4.0.

for detailed PDF on all these new features.


to send us and email to explain your options for updating and upgrading.  Tell us what you own and what you would like to get.

for pricing of these and all our software products.


2) Re-zeroing Blowby Sensor in Dyno DataMite  Our Blowby Sensor has a special, assigned calibration in our Dyno DataMite software.  You just pick "Blowby Sensor" as the type of sensor and the appropriate "Range" like 3 or 6 CFM.  Like most all sensor calibrations, you can "rezero" the sensor to account for small changes in the calibration.  You simply click a button in the sensor Calibration screen when there is no flow through the sensor, like when the engine is not running.  Recently we made an improvement to the way the Blowby Sensor is rezeroed.  This was necessary because the Blowby Sensor has a non-linear calibration curve.  Earlier versions did not do as accurate job of rezeroing.

    for more info on our Blowby Sensor.

To see your version number of Dyno DataMite, click on Help (at the top of the main screen), and then select About...    If your version number (written in blue) is v4.2 A.053 or later, you have the ability to do this.  If you have any earlier version 4.2, this would be a free update.  Simply install the latest v4.2 right over the top of your earlier version.  When asked during the installation, select to do a Refresh installation instead of a Complete (typical) installation.  for the v4.2 installer.

If you have v4.1 or earlier, you would need to update your software for $100 or more.   to send us and email to explain your options for updating.  Tell us who you are and we can see what you own and what it will cost to update.

for a PDF of v4.2's new features.

for a PDF of v4.1's new features.  If you have v3.7 or earlier, you would get these new features also, in addition to the v4.2 new features if you update.


3) Last January's Newsletter Here are the topics covered in our previous newsletter.  If you would like another copy of January 2022's newsletter (or any previous newsletter) for detail on these topics, visit our website at: Performance Trends Newsletters 

  1. Featured Product:  Quick Cam Checker
  2. Last December's Newsletter

Performance Trends reserves the right to discontinue, update, or modify its product line and pricing at any time.