Performance Trends, Inc.

Producing Quality Computer Tools for Racers and Engine Builders since 1986

Re: Performance Trends Newsletter (updates)

To: Visitors to Performance Trends Website

Subject: Product News/Updates, October 2017  

  1. New Valve Spring Tester v1.1 C Update Released
  2. Christmas Is Coming
  3. Suspension Analyzer Endorsements
  4. PRI Show Coming
  5. Last September's Newsletter


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1) New Valve Spring Tester v1.1 C Update Released  We've just released a major update to our popular Valve Spring Tester software, Version 1.1 C.  

Manual USB Spring Tester                 Automatic USB Spring Tester

A list of major improvements in v1.1 C include:

Page from v1.1C User's Manual Describing 4 Test Types for Testing Springs
  click image to enlarge    to see all the new features in v1.1 B & C. 

Page from v1.1C User's Manual Describing Individual Seated Spring Heights
  click image to enlarge    to see all the new features in v1.1 B & C. 


for a PDF file describing all the new features in v1.1 C.  (V1.1B's new features are in the first half of this PDF.) 

If you have the previous Version 1.1B, this is a $150 update charge.  If you have v1.1A, it is a $250 update charge.

  for more info the Valve Spring Tester v1.1 C and our complete line of Valve Spring Testers.  

  to send us an email requesting info on how to purchase an update.  


Power-Tech-Retro-Fit-Kit-small.jpg (64717 bytes)    for info on our PT-200 Power Tech retro-fit kit, starting at $499, which comes with our v1.1C software.

2) Christmas Is Coming 
Just a reminder that Christmas will be here in less than 2 months.  If you've been thinking of getting one of our products, put it on your Christmas list.     Maybe Santa will be extra good to you this year (as long as you've been nice  ).

  for some ideas of what to ask for, starting at $22.95 for a 100% Made in USA tee shirt.


3) Suspension Analyzer Endorsements  A couple of our Suspension Analyzer users have gotten some good press coverage recently, which include: 

Bill Bishop of Bishop Performance in Capac, Michigan, setting up Jeff Metdepenningen's Street Stock for Flat Rock Speedway.

Bill-Bishop-Jeff-Metdepenningen-Car.jpg (57413 bytes)  click image to enlarge    for more info.

Johan Ragnarsson of JRD Tuning Hoschton GA, setting up their JRD MK2 Ford Escort.  It was featured on the cover of the 2017 edition Historic Racing Technology, called "The Wildest Escort Ever".
  for more info.


Suspension-Analysis-software-Main-Screen.gif (74220 bytes)  click image to enlarge        for more info on our Suspension Analyzer v2.4B, just recently updated this summer.


4)  PRI Trade Show, Indianapolis, Coming in December   We're exhibiting at the Best and Biggest racing products trade show in the world, the Performance Racing Industry trade show in Indianapolis, Dec 7-9.  We're in the same location as last year, booth # 134, so check their website floor plan, and be sure to register to attend ahead of time. 

  to find us on the PRI Trade Show floor.

  to visit the PRI Trade Show home page for more info and to arrange to attend the show.


5) Last September's Newsletter Here are the topics covered in our previous newsletter.  If you would like another copy of September 2017's newsletter (or any previous newsletter) for detail on these topics, visit our website at: Performance Trends Newsletters 

  1. New Drag Racing Analyzer v3.4 B Released
  2. PRI Show Coming
  3. Drag Racing Centrifugal Clutch Program's New Features
  4. Press Coverage, National Dragster
  5. Last August's Newsletter

Performance Trends reserves the right to discontinue, update, or modify its product line and pricing at any time.