[Company Logo Image]     Performance Trends Inc

    Producing Quality Computer Tools for Racers and Engine Builders since 1986






Piston Sealing

Piston Sealing ties very closely with Piston Rings and Blow By. The design and condition of the Piston Rings and cylinder bore determines the Piston Sealing.  The lower the Piston Sealing, the more Blow By is likely.  If you had perfect 100% Piston Sealing,  you would have 0 CFM of Blowby flow.

A major ring design feature, is the gap between the ends of the piston ring, or Ring Gap.  The Ring Gap can vary greatly in size. The greater the gap the less Piston Sealing likely. The more hours on an engine, the great the piston ring wear, which will increase the piston ring gap.  Zero gap piston rings have the ends actually overlap each other for better sealing, but they are seldom used in street engines. 

Engine builders typically try to make the piston ring gap as small as possible, but they have to take into consideration that the piston rings will heat up and expand as the engine warms up. If this gap is sized incorrectly it can cause severe damage to the engines cylinder walls instead of improving performance.


Programs that take Piston Sealing into account

We have 1 program that works with Piston Sealing when conducting Engine Simulation: Engine Analyzer Pro v3.9.

Performance Trends manufactures a Blow By Sensor so you can document how much Blow By your engine is allowing which is typically used with our Dyno DataMite Software and DataMite hardware.

And we now have a Blow By Recorder that will record the amount of blow by for a user specified amount of time.

