Performance Trends, Inc.

Producing Quality Computer Tools for Racers and Engine Builders since 1986

Re: Performance Trends Newsletter (updates)

To: Visitors to Performance Trends Website

Subject: Product News/Updates, April 2019 

  1. New SuperFlowtm and Land and Seatm Dyno Adapters
  2. Kart Motor Flow Bench Accessories
  3. Last March's Newsletter


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1)  New SuperFlowtm and Land and Seatm Dyno Adapters  We've instrumented about 1400 dynos over the years with our Dyno DataMite loggers with Standard, Pro or Enterprise software.  Many of these include retrofitting Go Powertm, Stuskatm, Dyno Jettm, Mustangtm, Land and Seatm, and SuperFlowtm engine and/or chassis dynos.  Many times the customer prefers to use their existing RPM or torque sensor.  Because RPM sensors can all put out very different signals, this was often not possible.  Our RPM sensors allow us to time between each pulse, getting a new RPM reading with every pulse.  This method is very fast, very accurate, and very inexpensive.  Now we have developed signal conditioners to let us read the SuperFlow and Land and Sea RPM sensors in this very fast and accurate way.

We have also made adapters so our load cell amp can read the Land and Sea tm "torque arms".  Though we prefer to use full bridge load cells for better stability, using the Land and Sea tm torque arm means you don't have to do as much re-engineering if you retro-fit to our Dyno DataMite system.

Part number  DT3-LSRA  Land and Sea RPM Adapter

Part number DT4-RSF Superflow RPM Adapter and Signal Conditioner

Part number DT3-LSA  Land and Sea Torque Arm Connector w Bridge Resistors and our Amplifier
Land & Sea Torque Arm and Amp.jpg (173536 bytes)

Part number DT3-LSAB  Land and Sea "Big" Torque Arm Connector w Bridge Resistors and our Amplifier
L&S Big Red.jpg (201664 bytes)

 for pricing on all or our DataMite sensors and accessories

 to send us an email for a quote for upgrading your dyno


2)  Kart Motor Flow Bench Accessories  We have a full line of flow bench electronics and accessories, including our very popular Port Flow Analyzer software.  It comes in Standard, Pro and Head Porter versions.  We've just developed some new accessories for flowing overhead valve (OHV) kart motor heads and carbs, which include:

Kart Motor Bore Adapter (pn PFA-KBA)

Kart Motor Valve Opener adapters for our standard manual valve opener (pn PFA-VAU), the valve opener base (pn PFA-KVOB) and shorter valve opener mount (pn PFA-VK)

Kart Motor Flow Accessories w text.jpg (188317 bytes) click image to enlarge

Kart Motor Carb Adapter Plate (pn PFA-KCA)
Kart Flow Bench Carb Adapter Plate.jpg (133196 bytes) click image to enlarge

 for pricing on our Kart Motor Accessories


3) Last March's Newsletter Here are the topics covered in our previous newsletter.  If you would like another copy of March 2019's newsletter (or any previous newsletter) for detail on these topics, visit our website at: Performance Trends Newsletters 

  1. New Quick Cam Checker Feature:  GM 602 and GM 604 Profiles Provided for Comparison 
  2. 4 Link Plus Now Shows Bar Lengths 
  3. Friends We've Lost 
  4. Last January's Newsletter

Performance Trends reserves the right to discontinue, update, or modify its product line and pricing at any time.