



Performance Trends, Inc.

Producing Quality Computer Tools for Racers and Engine Builders since 1986

If you're a racer, race enthusiast, or engine builder with engineering talent, for info on joining our team.

To install a demo program, click on the blue link (usually to the right of the spinning disk Download).  Then when asked, select Run to install the program.  You can also choose to Save the file to a memory stick or CD and take to a different computer.  Once at that computer, find the file you downloaded through My Computer or Windows Explorer (right click on start at lower left corner, then Explore), then run this file to install it on that computer.

Most all these Windows programs work on Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11.  For older computers with Windows 95, 98, Me, the program "should" run, but the computer itself may not have enough memory or CPU power to work well.

Click on programs in table below to jump to the "spinning disk" Download link to download the installer file, and then run the file to install the demo.  All demos can be unlocked via unlock codes if you purchase the program.

Drag Race Analyzer Pro v2.0 Engine Analyzer v3.4 (and Plus v3.4)
Drag Race Analyzer v3.4 Engine Analyzer Pro v3.9    
4 Link Calculator v2.0, Std and Plus versions Compression Ratio Calculator v2.3
Practice Tree v2.0 Port Flow Analyzer v3.5
Centrifugal (slider) Race Clutch Analyzer v1.1 Engine Log Book v1.1
  Cam Analyzer v4.3 
Suspension Analyzer v2.4 Fuel Injector Calculator v1.1
Circle Track Analyzer v4.0, Std and Plus versions Valve Spring Tester v1.1
Roll Center Calculator v4.0, Std and Plus versions Weather Wiz v1.1
Circle Track Log Book v1.1 Spring Wiz v1.1
Dyno DataMite v4.2 Data Logger Lap Segment Timer v1.1
Drag Racing DataMite v4.2 Data Logger Fuel Economy Calculator v1.1
Road Racing DataMite v4.2 Data Logger Transmission Gear Calculator: v2.0
  Rotating Inertia Calculator v1.1
  Pit Stop Mileage Calculator v1.1
Thermocouple (temp) Recorder  
AF Data Logger Suspension (coil) Spring Tester v1.1
Blowby Data Logger Shock Dyno v1.1
Cam Checker  
  USB Driver for most all Performance Trends Electronics


Drag Race Analyzer Pro v2.0 (Windows XP/Vista/Win 7/Win 8/Win 10/Win 11)

The Drag Racing Analyzer Pro v2.0 is our most detailed vehicle simulation of Drag Racing (accelerating) performance.  It goes well beyond our standard Drag Racing Analyzer to include more detailed inputs, more detailed results, more detailed graphs, more features to analyze data, more options to quickly find "optimum" combinations and much more.  The "Team Engineer" version adds some high tech features like a complete Centrifugal (slider) Clutch builder program, ability to import data logger files for comparison and analysis, more graph options like time alignment and dual cursors for analyzing sections of data, and the special timer for timing between 2 of most any type events during the run, and engine RPM histograms.  

Click on the blue link below and when asked, select Run to install it.   Program will run in Demo mode for free, either in the standard or Team Engineer version, whichever you choose. If you like it, call Performance Trends with credit card information to order the working version, or use the shopping cart option to purchase online.


DownloadDrag Race Analyzer Pro v2.0B - 3.8 MB (Windows installer for this latest Version 2.0 B.018)

If you own the older version 2.0A and download this version you will need a new unlock code and pay the update fee

to see the Drag Race Pro most recent changes (readme.doc file)

We've kept this older v2.0A around for those who want the latest v2.0A program, which could be a no charge update.

DownloadDrag Race Analyzer Pro Drag Race Analyzer Pro v2.0A - 3.8 MB (Windows XP & Vista/Win 7/Win 8/Win 10 installer for this latest Version 2.0 A.038)


Pit Stop Mileage Calculator v1.1 (Windows XP/Vista/Win 7/Win 8/Win 10/Win 11)

The Pit Stop Mileage Calculator lets you record details about fuel usage during a race and predict how much fuel is in the tank and when the next pit stop is required.  


DownloadPit Stop Mileage Calculator v1.1 A.004  - 2.6 MB (Windows XP & Vista/Win 7 installer)


Lap Timer v1.1 (Windows XP/Vista/Win 7/Win 8/Win 10/Win 11)

The Lap Timer turns your computer into a super precise and power full stop watch to  record lap and/or segment times,  and much more.  Great for Circle Track and Road Racers.


DownloadLap Segment Timer v1.1  - 2.7 MB (Windows installer, for this latest version)

to see the Lap Segment Timer most recent changes (readme.doc file)

Suspension Analyzer v2.4 (Windows XP/Vista/Win 7/Win 8/Win 10/Win 11)

The Suspension Analyzer is our most detailed, 3-D, double A-arm (wishbone) suspension analysis program.  It goes well beyond our simpler Roll Center Calculator to include steering inputs, bump steer (toe change), Ackerman, caster, Anti Dive and much more.  Automatically "optimize" the location of certain components for Roll Center location or minimum bump steer.  Shim the upper arm for certain Camber or caster.  Build graphs or reports from several user options, including graphs comparing 2 suspensions.  This program is available in 3 versions:

  • Standard (front end only)
  • Full Vehicle (front and/or rear suspensions, with additional features like roll steer, roll couple, anti-squat, pinion angle change, push rod and pull rod springs, and more)
  • Full Vehicle with Data Logger Options (Full Vehicle version, but includes ways to import suspension measurements and ASCII data logger data from shock travel, accelerometers, etc and display the suspension motion, camber change, vehicle roll/dive/steer, track map, and much more)

Click on the blue link below and when asked, select Run to install it.   Program will run in Demo mode for free. If you like it, call Performance Trends with credit card information to order the standard working version, Full Vehicle version, or Full Vehicle version with Data Logger Options.


DownloadSuspension Analyzer v2.4 C  - 14.3 MB (Windows installer for this latest version 2.4 C.020)     Note:  Versions prior to C.005 had a significant bug and should be updated.

to see the Suspension Analyzer most recent changes (readme.doc file)


We've kept this older v2.4 B around for those who want the latest v2.4 B program, which could be a no charge update if you already own v2.4 B.
DownloadSuspension Analyzer v2.4 B - 14.3 MB (installer for the last version 2.4 B.036)

We've kept this older v2.4 A around for those who want the latest v2.4 A program, which could be a no charge update if you already own v2.4 A.
DownloadSuspension Analyzer v2.4 A - 11.3 MB (installer for the last version 2.4 A.047)

We've kept this older v2.0 around for those who want the latest v2.0 program, which could be a no charge update if you already own v2.0.
DownloadSuspension Analyzer v2.0 - 7.7 MB (installer for the last version 2.0 A.040)


Dyno DataMite v4.2B (Windows XP/Vista/Win7/Win 8/Win 10/Win 11)

Dyno DataMite Data Logger for dynamometers. Package includes electronics and software to computerize your inertia wheel (flywheel) dyno or absorber (torque arm) dyno. Record, save, graph, report, correct, analyze and compare dynamometer data like torque, HP, exhaust temps, pressures, etc. Software is available in either Basic (easy) or Pro (powerful) versions.

Click on the blue link below and when asked, select Run to install it.  Program will run in Demo mode for free. If you like it, call Performance Trends with credit card information to order the entire system for as little as $499. Several options available.


DownloadDyno DataMite v4.2B - 26.5 MB (Windows installer v4.2 B.052)

to see the Dyno DataMite most recent changes (readme.doc file)


We've kept this older v4.2 around for those who want the latest v4.1 program, which could be a no charge update if you own v4.2.

DownloadDyno DataMite v4.2 - 26.5 MB (Windows installer v4.2 A.069)

We've kept this older v4.1 around for those who want the latest v4.1 program, which could be a no charge update if you own v4.1.
DownloadDyno DataMite Dyno DataMite v4.1 - 21.1 MB (Windows XP & Vista/Win 7/Win 10 installer v4.1 A.101)

We've kept this older v3.7 around for those who want the latest v3.7 program, which could be a no charge update if you own v3.7.
DownloadDyno DataMite Dyno DataMite v3.7 - 7.1 MB (Windows XP & Vista/Win 7 installer v3.7 A.139)

We've kept this older v3.2 around for those who want the latest v3.2 program, which could be a no charge update if you own v3.2.
DownloadDyno DataMite Dyno DataMite v3.2 - 5.2 MB (Windows XP & Vista/Win 7 installer v3.2 B.164)


Drag Racing DataMite v4.2 (Windows XP/Vista/Win7/Win 8/Win 10/Win 11)

Drag Racing DataMite Data Logger. Package includes electronics and software to record drag racing vehicle performance. Record, save, graph, report, correct, analyze and compare drag racing data like clutch or converter slip, acceleration rate, tire spin, torque, HP, exhaust temps, pressures, etc. Software is available in either Basic (easy) or Pro (powerful) versions.

Click on the blue link below and when asked, select Run to install it. Program will run in Demo mode for free. If you like it, call Performance Trends with credit card information to order the entire system for as little as $699. Several options available.


Download Drag Race DataMite Drag Race DataMite v4.2  - 10.2 MB (Windows installer  v4.2 A.070)

to see the Drag Race DataMite most recent changes (readme.doc file)

Download Drag Race DataMite v4.1 - 10.0 MB (Last revision of v4.1   Windows XP & Vista/Win 7/Win 10 installer  4.1 A.095)

Download Drag Race DataMite v3.7 - 7.2 MB (Last revision of v3.7   Windows XP & Vista/Win 7 installer  3.7 A.138)

Download Drag Race DataMite v3.2 - 7.2 MB (Last revision of v3.2   Windows XP & Vista/Win 7 installer  3.2 B.164)


Road Race & Circle Track DataMite v4.2 (Windows XP/Vista/Win 7/Win 8/Win 10/Win 11)

Road Race DataMite Data Logger. Package includes electronics and software to record on track vehicle performance. Record, save, graph, report, correct, analyze and compare  racing data like suspension motion, lap times, track location, friction circle analysis, clutch or converter slip, acceleration rate, tire spin, torque, HP, exhaust temps, pressures, etc. Software is available in either Basic (easy) or Pro (powerful) versions.

Click on the blue link below and when asked, select Run to install it. Program will run in Demo mode for free. If you like it, call Performance Trends with credit card information to order the entire system for as little as $699. Several options available.


Road Race DataMite v4.2  - 16.5 MB 
(Windows XP & Vista/Win 7/Win 10 installer, v4.2 A.069)

to see the Road Race Circle Track DataMite most recent changes (readme.doc file)

Download Road Race DataMite v4.1 - 16.3 MB (Windows XP & Vista/Win 7/Win 10 installer, last v4.1 A.102 released)
Download Road Race DataMite v3.7 - 12.5 MB (Windows XP & Vista/Win 7 installer, last v3.7 A.138 released)
DownloadRoad Race DataMite v3.2 - 11.7 MB (Windows XP & Vista/Win 7 installer, last v3.2 released)


Cam Analyzer v4.3 (Windows XP/Vista/Win 7/Win 8/ Win 10/Win 11)

The Cam Analyzer is software for your personal computer to record and analyze cam lift data from dial indicator and degree wheel measurements. Once this data is in the computer, you can check the cam profile for acceleration rates, lobe centers, Duration at .050", etc. Now you can see if the cam you just installed matches the cam grinder's specs.

The Cam Analyzer also makes Cam Dr (tm), Comp Cams, and S96 files which can be used in our Engine Analyzer 'Pro' for detailed engine performance and valve train dynamics simulations based on your cam's actual profile. In addition, you can input and analyze computerized cam files for comparison [Cam Dr, Cam Pro Plus (tm), S-96 (tm), Andrews (tm), Comp Cams(tm), Dr Doctor (tm)], or generate cam files based on simple specs like centerline, duration, tappet lift, etc.

Download the file, then just double click on it (though Explore or File Manager) to setup. Program will run in Demo mode for free. If you like it, call Performance Trends with credit card information to purchase for $149.95.

Important  The Cam Test Stand with electronic sensors for the Cam Analyzer lets you measure all lobes on your cam in under 5 minutes with very high accuracy.  This latest Cam Analyzer v4.3 Installer.exe demo shows files measured on our new Cam Test Stand.


DownloadCam Analyzer Cam Analyzer v4.3 - 12 MB (Windows installer for this latest version    v4.3 A.052)

to see the Cam Analyzer most recent changes (readme.doc file)

The Versions 4.0, 3.8 and 3.2 below will remain here to let users update to the latest version they purchased for free.

DownloadCam Analyzer Cam Analyzer v4.0 - 12 MB (Windows installer for this latest version    v4.0 A.050)

DownloadCam Analyzer Cam Analyzer v3.8 - 10.00 MB (v3.8 A.033)

DownloadCam Analyzer Cam Analyzer v3.2 - 6.00 MB (Installer for older v3.2 for Windows XP     v3.2 B.091)


4 Link Calculator 2.0, Std and Plus versions (Windows XP/Vista/Win 7/Win 8/Win 10/Win 11)

The 4-Link Calculator lets you input, view, save, analyze and compare your 4-Link rear suspension geometry. You enter measurements for all 4 brackets for your car, or any number of cars. You can also enter other measurements like Wheelbase, Pinion Angle, etc. for more detailed calculations performed by the program. Once entered, the program will calculate Instant Center Length and Height, Anti-Squat %, and changes in Pinion Angle, Driveshaft Angle and Yoke Movement.

Making changes is just 1 click of the mouse. Click on a bracket hole to change the attachment point, or click on an Instant Center and the program draws the 4-Link setup which produces that instant center.

Download the file, then just double click on it (though Explore or File Manager) to setup. Program will run in Demo mode for free. If you like it, call Performance Trends with credit card information to activate all features, or purchase from our on line Shopping Cart.

Plus version includes several advanced features. 
NOTE:  If you buy the standard version and later decide to go to the Plus version, it is more expensive to do it in 2 steps rather than just buying the Plus version first.


Download4 Link Calculator 4 Link Calculator v2.0 - 3.5 MB (Windows installer for latest v2.0 B.011)

to see the 4 Link Calculator  most recent changes (readme.doc file)


Practice Tree v2.0 (Windows XP/Vista/Win 7/Win 8/Win 10/Win 11)

The Practice Tree is a computer program to simulate a Drag Racing Starting Tree and analyze/improve the driver’s reaction times and consistency. Most drag racers know that consistently “cutting” a good light is the most critical aspect to winning. The Practice Tree lets you practice and fine tune your starting line technique to be a winner. For example, you can see how changing your staging depth or front tire size will affect vehicle rollout and total vehicle reaction time.

The Practice Tree is not just a fun game to play against your friends, against yourself, or against a computer driver. It is also the most sophisticated Practice Tree available for analyzing and understanding what happens during staging, how your car rolls through the lights, and what causes red lights. It also lets you track trends in the last 100 passes you have made by analyzing your run history.

New 'Plus Version' has features to simulate a shift light, to hone your skills at shifting, and actually estimate how much slower your ET could be.

Download the file, then just double click on it (though Explorer or File Manager) to setup. Program will run in Demo mode for free. If you like it, call Performance Trends with credit card information to activate all features for $49.95, $79.95 for the full 'Plus Version'.


DownloadPractice Tree Practice Tree v2.0 - 3.0 MB (Windows installer for latest version v2.0 B.022)

to see the Practice Tree most recent changes (readme.doc file)

Port Flow Analyzer v3.5  (Windows XP/2000/NT/Vista/Win 7/Win 8/Win 10/Win 11)

Port Flow Analyzer v3.5 Windows XP, Vista, Win 7, Win 8, Win 10 is a computer program to record (by hand or electronically), save, graph, report and analyzer flow bench data. It works with SuperFlow’s FlowCom (or our "Black Box" data logger) and our Swirl Meter and Tumble Adapter.

Port Flow Analyzer comes in either Basic, Pro, or new 'Head Porter versions. Pro version lets you record several additional data types (like swirl, tumble, pitot tube port velocities, test stability), additional Head specs for data basing your tests (like stem diameter, throat diameter, port shape, seat angle, port volume), head details (like valve spring specs and part #s, valve specs and part #s, seat cutter descriptions, lock descriptions, retainer descriptions, etc). The Pro version also lets you combine your flow data with simple cam and engine specs for more detailed analysis and engine performance estimates, provides many more graphing/reporting/printing options, allows you to search past test for specific items (like all tests which flowed over 300 CFM on the intake at 28" with a valve diameter of 2.02 to 2.06), and much more.

Download the demo for Free. All functions work for 10 days, either as the Basic, Pro, or 'Head Porter' version, whichever you select. If you want to order it, call with a credit card and we can remove the 10 day restriction right on the phone. 


DownloadPort Flow Analyzer Port Flow Analyzer v3.5 C - 10.8 MB (Windows installer,  Currently Version 3.5 C.061)  

to see the Port Flow  most recent changes (readme.doc file)


We've kept this older v3.5B around for those who want the latest v3.5B program, which could be a no charge update.
DownloadPort Flow Analyzer Port Flow Analyzer v3.5 B - 10.8 MB (Windows installer,  Currently Version 3.5 B.084)

We've kept this older v3.5A around for those who want the latest v3.5A program, which could be a no charge update.
DownloadPort Flow Analyzer
Port Flow Analyzer v3.5A - 10.8 MB (Windows XP v3.5 A.109)


We've kept this older v3.0 around for those who want the latest v3.0 program, which could be a no charge update.
DownloadPort Flow Analyzer
Port Flow Analyzer v3.0 - 9.4 MB (Windows XP v3.0 E.085 - Does not work with Vista or Windows 7)


Circle Track Analyzer v4.0  (Windows XP/Vista/Win 7/Win 8/Win 10/Win 11)

Circle Track Analyzer include: uses Windows print drivers for trouble-free printing in Windows XP/Vista/Win 7/Win8/Win10, numerous built in examples of front and rear suspensions, engine power curves, aerodynamics, tracks and complete vehicles; ability to add your own examples; graphs; history log of last 25 runs you've made; "Match Your Lap Times" option where you enter your vehicle's lap times, max and min RPM and the program adjusts critical specs to match your performance; built in Roll Center Calculator for the Front Suspension; Analyze Suspension feature to watch the front suspension move as it goes around the track, Corner Jacking screen to simulate adjusting jacking screws on springs with vehicle on scales, and much more.

Once downloaded, simply double click on the file name and it automatically installs itself in 1 operation.

IMPORTANT:  The smaller Roll Center Calculator programs are part of the Circle Track Analyzer v4.0.  When you  run the demo, it asks which program demo you want to see:  Roll Center Calculator, Roll Center Calculator Plus or the Full Circle Track Analyzer. 


DownloadCircle Track Analyzer Circle Track Analyzer v4.0 - 15.1 MB (Windows installer, latest version 4.0 A.021)

to see the Circle Track Analyzer most recent changes (readme.doc file)

We've kept this older v3.6 around for those who want the latest v3.5 program, which could be a no charge update.
DownloadCircle Track Analyzer Circle Track Analyzer v3.6 - 8.2 MB (Windows installer, latest version 3.6 A.024)

We've kept this older v3.5 around for those who want the latest v3.5 program, which could be a no charge update.

DownloadCircle Track Analyzer Circle Track Analyzer v3.5 - 7.4 MB (Windows XP & Vista/Win 7 installer v3.5 A.021)


Engine Analyzer v3.4B  (Windows XP/Vista/Win 7/Win 8/Win 10/Win 11)

A demo of out MOST POPULAR Engine Simulation program, the Engine Analyzer v3.4B for Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11. Some specs are locked in for a GM Chevy 350 cid "602" sealed crate motor, but you can change intake system, Exhaust System, Cam Specs, operating conditions and more. Check out the hundreds of example heads, cams, superchargers, carbs, we've got preloaded, or use your own specs. Lots of new features.

This program also includes a demo of the Engine Analyzer 'Plus'.  Once inside the program, click on 'Help(F1)' at the top of the main screen, then 'Engine Analyzer Plus Features' for instructions.

Download the file, then just double click on it though Explorer or your Email program to setup. Program will run in Demo mode. If you like it, call Performance Trends to purchase.


DownloadEngine Analyzer Engine Analyzer v3.4B - 21.6 MB   (Windows installer for latest version 3.4 B.015)

to see the Engine Analyzer most recent changes (readme.doc file)

We've kept this older v3.4A around for those who want the latest v3.4A program, which could be a no charge update.
DownloadEngine Analyzer Engine Analyzer v3.4 - 11.3 MB   (Windows installer for latest version 3.4 A.041)

We've kept this older v3.2 around for those who want the latest v3.2 program, which could be a no charge update.

DownloadEngine Analyzer Engine Analyzer v3.2 - 5.2 MB (Windows XP & Vista/Win 7 installer v3.2 A.066)


Transmission Gear Calculator v2.0  (Windows XP/Vista/Win 7/Win 8/ Win 10/Win 11)

With the Transmission Gear Calculator you can input tire sizes, rear axle ratio and transmission ratios to calculate MPH for various RPM's or RPM's for various MPHs in different gears. Numerous options to compare a Baseline to New condition, determine speedo error or recommend new # speedo gear teeth, make calculations in KPH or MPH, do shift analysis, let the computer pick optimum shift points based on an engine power curve (which you can enter several ways), store or recall particular transmission gear sets from the Gear Library, calculate gear ratios, make user defined tables and graphs of MPH vs RPM or RPM vs MPH for whichever gears or conditions you choose, and much more.

Download the file, then just double click on it (though Explore or File Manager) to setup. Program will run in Demo mode for free. If you like it, call Performance Trends with credit card information to activate all features.

New version 2.0 is a 32 bit version for Windows XP, Vista, Win 7, Win 8 and Win 10.  Use long file names, easily delete or rename files, more compatible with USB printers and newer printer drivers.  Update also includes other features.  To update for free, download and install latest version.  Then enter your exact registered name and unlock code from your current version.

This version can also be turned into the Plus version for an additional $50 with several added features.


DownloadTransmission Gear Calculator Transmission Gear Calculator v2.0 - 3.2 MB (Windows installer for latest version 2.0 B.014)

to see the Transmission Gear Calculator most recent changes (readme.doc file)

Roll Center Calculator v4.0  (Windows XP/Vista/Win 7/Win 8/ Win 10/Win 11)

The Roll Center Calculator is our analysis program for double A arm, McPherson strut and straight axle suspensions. Graphically shows suspension layout, arm lengths and angles, Roll Center, Camber, Spring Compression, etc. Then move suspension through vehicle Dive and Roll and watch how all these change.

Also has options for shimming and watching camber change, showing Camber Gain, showing camber table for various amounts of dive and roll, graphing the camber table, example front suspension layouts provided, save/open/print options, and more.

Plus version includes Rear Suspension, handling analysis, and total vehicle calculations.

Download and run in Demo mode for FREE. If you like it, call Performance Trends with credit card information to activate all features.  Once downloaded, simply double click on the file name and it automatically installs itself in 1 operation.

IMPORTANT:  The Roll Center Calculators are part of the Circle Track Analyzer v4.0 program.  The Roll Center Calculator is just the Front Suspension screen in Circle Track Analyzer.  The Plus version is the Front Suspension screen, Rear Suspension screen, and transition handling calculations in Circle Track Analyzer.  When you  run the demo, it asks which program demo you want to see:  Roll Center Calculator, Roll Center Calculator Plus or Full Circle Track Analyzer. 


DownloadRoll Center Calculator Roll Center Calculator v4.0 - 15.1 MB (Windows installer, latest version 4.0 A.021)

to see the Roll Center Calculator (actually Circle Track Analyzer) most recent changes (readme.doc file)

We've kept this older v3.6 download available for owners of this older program, should you need to refresh your installation.

DownloadRoll Center Calculator Roll Center Calculator v3.6 - 8.2 MB (Windows installer, latest version 3.6 A.024)

The last old v2.0 version we released, for those needing to reinstall their old v2.0 without updating to v3.6  IMPORTANT:  If you just bought the Roll Center Calculator, download the Circle_Track_Analyzer_V36_Installer.exe above, NOT this old Roll Center Calculator v2.0 Installer.
DownloadRoll Center Calculator v2.0 - 3.7 MB (Windows installer, latest version 2.0 A.012) 


Drag Racing Analyzer v3.4 B  (Windows XP/Vista/Win 7/Win 8/Win 10/Win 11)

The Drag Race Analyzer is a computer program to predict your car's (or most any vehicle's) 1/4 mile, 1/8 mile and even top speed (Bonneville) performance.  Some of its many features include numerous built in examples of transmission/body styles/converters/complete vehicles, ability to add your own examples, graphs, history log of last 25 runs you've made, "Match Vehicle Performance" option where you enter your vehicle's 60 ft time, MPH, stall RPM, finish RPM and Gear # and the program adjusts critical specs to match your performance separate Dial In and Throttle Stop prediction screens, and much more.

Once downloaded, simply double click on the file name and it automatically installs itself in 1 operation.  Call to order we can activate into the full version right over the phone, or purchase the shopping cart on its description page..


DownloadDrag Race Analyzer Drag Race Analyzer v3.4 B - 13.4 MB (Windows installer, currently v3.4 B.013)

to see the Drag Racing Analyzer most recent changes (readme.doc file)

We've kept this older v3.4 A around for those who want the latest v3.4 A program, which could be a no charge update.

Drag Race Analyzer
Drag Race Analyzer v3.4 A - 5.8 MB (Windows installer, v3.4 A.004)

We've kept this older v3.2 around for those who want the latest v3.2 program, which could be a no charge update.

Drag Race Analyzer
Drag Race Analyzer v3.2 - 5.8 MB (Windows 95/98/Me/XP/2000/NT   installer, v3.2 A.014)


Engine Analyzer Pro v3.9 - Standard and Enterprise Edition  (Windows /XP/Vista/Win 7/Win 8/Win 10/Win 11)

A demo version of our most detailed and accurate engine simulation, the Engine Analyzer Pro v3.9 for Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10.  Program runs with all features for 10 days.  This same program can be unlocked into either the Standard version or more advanced Enterprise Edition.  Once downloaded, simply double click on the file name and it automatically installs itself in 1 operation.  


DownloadEngine Analyzer Pro v3.9 - 26 MB    Windows installer for this latest version   v3.9 B.056. 

to see the Engine Analyzer Pro most recent changes (readme.doc file)

DownloadEngine Analyzer Pro v3.9 A - 16 MB    Complete program (obsolete, only for 'refreshing' an old installation), v3.9 A.085. 

to see the Engine Analyzer Pro most recent changes (readme.doc file)


Compression Ratio Calculator v2.3  (Windows XP/Vista/Win 7/Win 8/ Win 10/Win 11)

Probably the most detailed Compression Ratio Calculator program available. Includes features for boring, stroking, cranking compression pressure, dynamic compression ratio, saving, printing, metric units and much more. Download and run in Demo mode for FREE. If you like it, call Performance Trends with credit card information to activate all features for $49.95.

Once downloaded, simply double click on the file name and it automatically installs itself in 1 operation.

New version 2.3 released March 2009 with many new features, including an optional Plus version.  To update the standard version for free, download and install latest version.  Then enter your exact registered name and unlock code from your current version.


DownloadCompression Ratio Calculator v2.3 - 2.5 MB (Windows installer for latest version 2.3 A.023)

to see the Compression Ratio Calculator most recent changes (readme.doc file)

Fuel Injector Sizing Calculator v1.1  (Windows XP/Vista/Win 7/Win 8/ Win 10/Win 11)

The Fuel Injector Calculator is a detailed program to size electronic fuel injectors for various size engines, firing methods, volumetric efficiencies, A/Fs, fuel pressure, and much more. Download and run in Demo mode for FREE. If you like it, call Performance Trends with credit card information to activate all features.

Once downloaded, simply double click on the file name and it automatically installs itself in 1 operation.


DownloadFuel Injector Calculator v1.1 - 2.0 MB (Windows installer for latest version 1.1 A.017)

to see the Fuel Injector Calculator most recent changes (readme.doc file)

Fuel Economy Calculator v1.1  (Windows XP/Vista/Win 7/Win 8/Win 10/Win 11)

Fuel Economy Calculator is the only detailed program of its kind determine effects on MPG by modifying vehicle, engine, road and driving conditions.  Download and run in Demo mode for FREE. If you like it, call Performance Trends with credit card information to activate all features.

Once downloaded, simply double click on the file name and it automatically installs itself in 1 operation.


DownloadFuel Economy Calculator v1.1 - 3.7 MB (Windows installer v1.1 B.007)

to see the Fuel Economy Calculator most recent changes (readme.doc file)

Valve Spring Tester v1.1 (Windows XP/Vista/Win 7/Win 8/Win 10/Win 11)

Software and electronics to measure valve Spring Rates, open force, seated force, etc.  The Valve Spring Tester will work with our manual or automatic spring testers, our spring tester kits, or Power Technology's (tm) PT-200 retro-fit kits.

Once downloaded, simply double click on the file name and it automatically installs itself in 1 operation.


DownloadValve Spring Tester v1.C -9.0 MB (Windows installer, for latest version 1.1 C.040)

to see the Valve Spring Tester most recent changes (readme.doc file)

Older v1.B we've kept around if you do not want to update to latest v1.1C.
DownloadValve Spring Tester v1.1B - 7.1 MB    Complete program (obsolete, only for 'refreshing' an old installation), v1.1 B.037 

Older v1.1A we've kept around if you do not want to update to latest v1.1B.
DownloadValve Spring Tester v1.1A - 7.1 MB    Complete program (obsolete, only for 'refreshing' an old installation), v1.1 A.132 


Shock Dyno v1.1 (Windows XP/Vista/Win 7/Win 8/Win 10/ Win 11)

The Shock Dyno is Software and Electronics to measure shock absorber performance, damping rates vs speed, etc.  It can be purchased either as a complete system or as a retrofit kit for your existing shock dyno hardware.

Once downloaded, simply double click on the file name and it automatically installs itself in 1 operation.


DownloadShock Dyno v1.1 C  - 10.2 MB (Windows installer, for latest version 1.1 C.037)

to see the Shock Dyno most recent changes (readme.doc file)

DownloadShock Dyno v1.1 B  - 7.8 MB Complete program (obsolete, only for 'refreshing' an old installation), 1.1 B.034

DownloadShock Dyno v1.1 A  - 7.3 MB    Complete program (obsolete, only for 'refreshing' an old installation), v1.1 A.127. 



Suspension (coil) Spring Tester v1.1 (Windows XP/Vista/Win 7/Win 8/Win 10/Win 11)

The Suspension Spring Tester is Software and electronics to measure suspension (coil or roll bar) spring rates, open force, seated force, etc.  

Once downloaded, simply double click on the file name and it automatically installs itself in 1 operation.


DownloadSuspension Spring Tester v1.1 C - 4.8 MB (Windows installer, for latest version 1.1 C.039)

to see the Suspension (and valve) Spring Tester most recent changes (readme.doc file)

DownloadSuspension Spring Tester v1.1 B  - 7.3 MB    Complete program (obsolete, only for 'refreshing' an old installation), v1.1 B.013. 

DownloadSuspension Spring Tester v1.1 A  - 7.1 MB    Complete program (obsolete, only for 'refreshing' an old installation), v1.1 A132. 


Rotating Inertia Calculator v1.1 (Windows XP/Vista/Win 7/Win 8/Win 10/Win 11)

The Rotating Inertia Calculator is the only detailed program of its kind determine effects on a vehicle's effective weight due to its rotating components.  Download and run in Demo mode for FREE. If you like it, call Performance Trends with credit card information to activate all features.

Once downloaded, simply double click on the file name and it automatically installs itself in 1 operation.



DownloadRotating Inertia Calculator v1.1 - 2.0 MB (Windows installer)


AF Data Logger (Windows XP/Vista/Win 7/Win 8/Win 10/Win 11)

Free software to read our DT2-AFG A/F gauge.  If you have Performance Trends add a serial connector to the DT2-AFG's wiring, this software will automatically read the data, show it on a gauge on the screen, graph it, save it, open it from a saved file for later analysis, and let you export it to other software programs.  Download and run in Demo mode for FREE. If you purchased our DT2-AFG, call Performance Trends for your free unlocking (working) code #.

Once downloaded, simply double click on the file name and it automatically installs itself in 1 operation.


A/F Data Logger - 2.0 MB (Windows installer)  v1.1 A.007


Blowby Data Logger (Windows XP/Vista/Win7/Win 8/Win 10/Win 11)

Free software to read our DMC-BL Blowby Logger.  Connect your Blowby Logger via USB cable to your PC and this software will upload the data, show it on a gauge on the screen, graph it, save it, open it from a saved file for later analysis, and let you export it to other software programs.  Download and run in Demo mode for FREE.  This software does NOT require an unlocking code.  It only works with the Performance Trends DMC-BL logger.

Once downloaded, simply double click on the file name and it automatically installs itself in 1 operation.


Blowby Data Logger - 3.0 MB (Windows installer)  v1.1 A.008


Quick Cam Checker (Windows XP/Vista/Win7/Win8/Win 10/Win 11)

Free software to read our QCC-Quick Cam Checker.  Connect your Quick Cam Checker via USB cable to your PC and this software will upload the data, tabulate it, summarize it, graph it, save it, open it from a saved file for later analysis, and let you export it to other software programs.  Download and run in Demo mode for FREE.  This software does NOT require an unlocking code.  It only works with the Performance Trends QCC logger.

Once downloaded, simply double click on the file name and it automatically installs itself in 1 operation.


Cam-Checker-Installer.exe - 3.0 MB (Windows installer)  v1.1 A.026

to see the Cam Checker's most recent changes (readme.doc file) 


Thermocouple Recorder v1.1 (Windows XP/Vista/Win 7/Win 8/Win 10/Win 11)

Free software to read our DT2-TC4 Thermocouple Recorder.  This software will automatically read the thermocouple (temperature) data, show it on a bar graph and trace recorder on the screen, save it, open it from a saved file for later analysis, and let you export it to other software programs.  Download and run in Demo mode for FREE. If you purchased our DT2-TC4, call Performance Trends for your free unlocking (working) code #.

Once downloaded, simply double click on the file name and it automatically installs itself in 1 operation.


Thermocouple Recorder v1.1 - 3.0 MB (Windows installer)


Engine Log Book v1.1 (Windows XP/Vista/Win 7/Win 8/Win 10/Win 11)

The Engine Log Book is the Engine Builder's "bookkeeper" it keeps all your engine records organized for each build you do.  It also makes check on critical combinations of measurements to be sure your build is solid.

Your customers can download this demo version FREE and use it as a viewer of your engine build files you send them.

Once downloaded, simply double click on the file name and it automatically installs itself in 1 operation.


Engine Log Book v1.1  - 3.2 MB Standard and Plus Version (Win XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11  installer v1.1 A.060)


Engine Log Book_Pro v1.1C  - 4.3 MB Pro Version  (Win XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11  installer v1.1 C.017) Installing over Std/Plus version may require reinstalling Std/Plus to revert back.

to see a PDF describing the major improvements in Pro v1.1C from Pro v1.1B


Engine Log Book_Pro v1.1B  - 4.3 MB Pro Version (obsolete, only for 'refreshing' an old installation),  (Win XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11  installer v1.1 B.023)


to see the Engine Log Book most recent changes (readme.doc file)

to see the Engine Log Book Pro most recent changes (readme.doc file)


Circle Track Log Book v1.1 (Windows XP/Vista/Win 7/Win 8/Win 10/Win 11)

The Circle Track Log Book is the Circle Track Racer's "bookkeeper" that keeps all your vehicle and race records organized for each race or practice session.  It is fully customizable for your particular needs, and can link to vehicle programs for more detailed analysis of various suspension settings and calculations.

Once downloaded, simply double click on the file name and it automatically installs itself in 1 operation.


Circle Track Log Book v1.1  - 3.8 MB (Windows installer v1.1 A.030)



Centrifugal (slider) Race Clutch Analyzer v1.1 (Windows XP/Vista/Win 7/Win 8/Win 10/Win 11)

The Race Clutch Analyzer lets you analyze various combinations of static and dynamic components of a centrifugal clutch to compare lock up RPMs with various engine power curves.

Once downloaded, simply double click on the file name and it automatically installs itself in 1 operation.


Race Clutch Analyzer v1.1  - 3.2 MB (Windows installer  v1.1 A.007)

to see the Drag Race Clutch Analyzer most recent changes (readme.doc file)


Weather Wiz v1.1 (Windows XP/Vista/Win 7/Win 8/Win 10/Win 11)

The Weather Wiz is our Weather Station Software that lets you analyze various combinations of weather conditions and make weather related calculations and predictions which affect engine and vehicle performance, and carb tuning.

Once downloaded, simply double click on the file name and it automatically installs itself in 1 operation.


Weather Wiz v1.1  - 3.2 MB (Windows Installer  v1.1 B.008)

to see the Weather Wiz most recent changes (readme.doc file)



Spring Wiz v1.1 (Windows XP/Vista/Win 7/Win 8/Win 10/Win 11)

The Spring Wiz lets you analyze valve springs for bind, natural frequency, valve toss, spring rate, stress levels, and much more.

Once downloaded, simply double click on the file name and it automatically installs itself in 1 operation.


Spring Wiz v1.1  - 3.2 MB (Windows Installer  v1.B.006)

to see the Spring Wiz most recent changes (readme.doc file)


Spring Wiz v1.1  - 3.2 MB (Windows Installer  v1.1 A.037)     Version 1.1A for owners of this older version.


USB Driver (Windows XP/Vista/Win 7/Win 8/Win 10/Win 11)

Run this software to install the USB driver needed for most all Performance Trends electronics to communicate with your computer.  Performance Trends uses the FTDI USB chip.  Once downloaded, run the software and follow the program's instructions.


FTDI USB Driver   - 2 MB Windows Installer



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